|| The Inauguration ||

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January 20, 1953, Inauguration Day

Jackie stood next to Jack, her eyes glowing with pride. 

It was the twentieth of January, Eisenhower's presidential inauguration.  As Jackie has been asked several months before to attend with Jack, Jackie had kept her promise, looking forward for the long day to come. 

Jack had taken the oath of office back on January third, and have already settled well into his job.  He was enjoying it immensely, no matter how much work came with it. 

Taking the oath of office was a somewhat dramatic occasion for both Jack and Jackie.  Jackie had stood off to the side, along with some of the members of his family.  Jackie watched in pride as Jack stood with his predecessor, who administered the oath of office to him.  Jackie felt herself beaming with pride as Jack rose his right hand, and repeated the words that created for him to become a Senator. 

Jackie knew that Jack was certainly the best suited for the job, and that he was going to do his best to make sure that he fufilled the role.  Jackie knew that his age was something that many judged him on, but he always seemed to chose to ignore it.  He always seemed to be so carefree, but always put effort into everything he did. 

Jackie had visited him a few times since he had been inducted into the Senate, as she was still busy with her own schedule, along with Jack trying to get settled into new life in the Senate.  Jack's office was certainly spacious, more so than the space that she had when she conducted the interview with him.  Jack had gotten a massive office, filled with a plethora of bookcases, photographs, and a massive desk already covered in various paperwork from session days, and other bills that he needed to look over and sign.  

Now, she was sitting with Jack in the audience, watching Eisenhower take the oath into office.  

Watching Eisenhower raising his right hand, the other on a Bible, she listened to his voice ring out clearly, "I do solemnly swear... that I will faithfully execute... the Office of President of the United States,... and will to the best of my ability,... preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Jackie took a glance at Jack, who seemed to be transfixed on the old President and his much younger vice.  

Jackie knew that Joe, Jack's father, had his eyes set on the White House, something that had been brought up practically in her first visit to Hyannis Port to meet his family.  It was something everyone talked about, everyone knew about.  However, it was something that Jack didn't talk about too much.  Jack seemed to take every day that he was given, and didn't seem to anticipate too much about the future.  

Jackie knew that it was because of his back.  It could be seen several times throughout their time together, that Jack was considered a sickly person.  Jack had several brushes with death in the past, and he often didn't like to look too much into the future, in case he died from an illness. 

Today, Jackie couldn't interpret his emotions as Eisenhower began his Inaugural Address.

My fellow citizens:

The world and we have passed the midway point of a century of continuing challenge. We sense with all our faculties that forces of good and evil are massed and armed and opposed as rarely before in history.

This fact defines the meaning of this day. We are summoned by this honored and historic ceremony to witness more than the act of one citizen swearing his oath of service, in the presence of God. We are called as a people to give testimony in the sight of the world to our faith that the future shall belong to the free.

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