|| The Honeymoon ||

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September, 1953

A warm breeze blew through an open window, and Jackie nestled deeper under the warm covers.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in new surroundings, a strong arm wrapped around her body, and a soft, warm breath traced on her neck.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she realized that it was Jack.

Turning slowly, in order to not stir him from his slumber, Jackie turned her head to stare at a sleeping Jack.

He's my husband. Mine. Till death do us part, we're married.

She studied her husband's face, which Jackie found was astutely perfect.  His eyes were closed, and there wasn't a sign of tension or stress on his face.  Jackie smiled, and ran her fingers down his face, stroking his skin gently.  Jackie's fingers ran through his hair, combing it gently.  The sunlight filtered through the window, bringing out the Auburn highlights in his hair.

Jack soon began to stir, a smile on his face.

"Morning, Kid," Jackie grumbled, his voice thick with sleep.


"How are you feeling?" Jack asked with a smirk on his face.

She blushed at his comment. "Good. "

Jack sighed, flipping over on his back.

The two had spent the first night in New York, and then flew out to Acapulco Mexico, the next day. The two had finally had finally relaxed and had settled into their beautiful hotel suite. After several hectic days, the two were finally settled.

The sunlight was fluttering through the open curtains, bathing the room in warm light.

"What time is it?" Jackie, which caused for Jack to shrug and to roll towards the nightstand on his side of the bed.

"I'll be able to tell you in one second," Jack responded, groping for the watch on the nightstand. After blinking for a few minutes, Jack added, "It's 12:37 in the afternoon."

"That late already?" Jackie replied, moving to get out of bed.

"We should probably go get dressed, and get ready to go out."

"Why?" Jack asked, slightly indignant.

"Well, we're wasting time here, just lying around in bed, aren't we? Jackie asked.

Jack let out a small chuckle, with a slight shake of his head. "We have two weeks to explore Mexico. I think that we can spend as much time as we want in bed," Jack said, grabbing Jackie by the waist, pulling her onto his chest.

Jackie let out a laugh, her feet flailing in the air.

"No, Jack, no!" Jackie yelped, giggling as Jack's grip tightened. "Let me go!"

"Never." Jack responded, kissing her cheek.

Eventually, Jack let her go, where Jackie rolled off of his chest, and turned on her side to face him. Jack did the same, the two staring at each other deeply.

"I can't believe we're actually married," Jackie breathed out.

"Me neither," Jack replied, brushing the bangs out of her face.

The memories of the wedding came back to the forefront of Jackie's mind, and how her father hadn't been able to come. How he couldn't come. Jackie's throat began to swell slightly, and her eyes clouded over in sadness.

Jack must have noticed the change, as he gently rubbed Jackie's cheek in sympathy.

"What is it?"

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