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"No that's stupid, why the hell would I talk to him? How did we even get on this topic, you know I don't like him," Minho spoke with annoyance over the phone.

"Come on! Just hear me out, alright?" Felix spoke from the other line.

"Go on then," Minho laid back on his bed, holding his phone up against his ear.

"Why don't you become friends with him, yeah? And then here's the big part—you'll be such good friends with him that he'll spend more time with you and not your sister, then bam! Your sister will get jealous, hopefully leave him, and then you'll never have to see him ever again," Felix said smugly over the phone, sounding very proud of himself and his 'master plan.'

Minho was about to say how dumb of an idea that was but then he got an idea, "Felix! Oh my god you're actually a genius, but I have a better idea."

"Wow you call me a genius but then say you have a better idea than my genius idea—?"

"Just shut up and listen," Minho rolled his eyes and went on to explain what he had in mind.

After he finished talking the line had gone silent for a few seconds before Felix started practically shouting, "DANG!! That is more genious than my idea, but don't you think that could end badly? For you, him, and your sister?"

"I'm sure of it, everything will be fine 'kay?" Minho sat up with a large smile on his face as he stretched his arms over his head. "I'm gonna get some sleep so I can start my master plan in the morning, night loser, love you."

"Night loser, love you," Felix mocked his friend before quickly hanging up.

"Wha—did he really just hang up on me? And after mocking me!?" He sighed and shook his head, setting his phone on his nightstand. "I hope Felix is wrong and this doesn't go wrong, cause damn that'd be bad." After getting ready for bed, Minho shut off his bedroom light and got under the covers before falling asleep peacefully.

When it was morning, Minho was awoken not so peacefully—the sound of a doorbell ringing was heard, followed by the obnoxiously loud sound of footsteps running down the hall and down the stairs. Dumb sister, Minho groaned and covered his head with his pillow. It took a few seconds for the realization to hit him, but when it did he sat up immediately. That was probably Jisung at the door and this was the first step to his great plan.

He quickly hopped out of bed and got dressed in acceptionable clothing, so he would at least look a little bit nice. After he'd taken care of everything he needed to, he rushed down stairs—but in a calm and collected way—and headed to the kitchen to get an apple before he went on into the living room. And surprise, guess who was sitting on the couch? Jisung himself! With Minhee of course, no way you could forget Minhee.

"Yo," Minho waved a hand at them and took a seat in the chair while munching on his apple. Both of their heads turned towards Minho, confusion written over their faces.

"Is this going to be a regular thing with you now? Always butting into our conversations? I thought you didn't even like us," Minhee spoke with a snap.

Minho put his hands up in defense, "woah woah, calm down. I just happen to come into the living room—which let me remind you, is the family room—while you two are in here talking away," he took another bite of his apple before he went on. "So please, don't mind me and continue your precious conversation, lovely sister and sister's boyfriend."

Minhee squinted her eyes at her brother, observing him. "Are you alright? You're acting different..."

"Am I? I think I'm acting perfectly normal," Minho shrugged.

"You're willingly talking to me," Minhee spoke with suspicion. "What do you think?" She asked Jisung.

Jisung flinched slightly, he didn't expect to be brought into this. "Well uh, I guess.. I don't really know him well enough so—"

"Hey let's get to know eachother well enough then, what do you say?" Minho asked very calmly, most of his attention still on the apple he was eating.

Jisung stayed silent for a second, eying the boy in the chair. "He does seem a little odd actually, he never wants to talk to me. He usually tells me off."

"That's what I'm saying—" Minhee went to speak up again but Minho cut her off.

"No one asked what you were saying," Minho sighed, he was almost finished eating his apple. He was now looking completely at the two sat on the couch, "you guys are boring, I'm out. See ya," and he got up and left the room.

Jisung and Minhee only watched him until he was finally gone, and Jisung was the first to speak. "That was...interesting, huh?"

"Very, but who cares about him anyways, so back to our conversation," Minhee smiled and turned back to Jisung, resuming their talk from earlier.


Let's just act like it's still
Saturday and this isn't
being posted late— but
I'm going to be starting
summer school tomorrow
so updates might not be
as regular anymore, sorry
about that, I'll try though.

I wasn't there but I saw
videos and imma cry. I'm
going to KCON LA and
if Stray Kids and Pentagon
don't go I will cry, but if they
do go then I'll still cry. Please
let them go KCON people—

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