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Chan came back into his apartment about ten minutes after the phone call ended. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, obviously stressed out.

Minho looked up from his phone and over at the boy, tilting his head. "Something wrong?"

"You need to leave," he said with no emotion whatsoever.

Minho was take aback, but he stood up and made his way over to Chan either way. "Why though? What did my sister say to you?"

Chan shrugged, "nothing important, you should just leave, it's late isn't it?"

"It's not even seven wh—"

Before Minho could even finish his sentence, Chan was already pushing him out the front door.

Minho turned around, trying to speak up but Chan beat him to it.

"Go home, we can hang out another time, okay?" And he shut the door, leaving a very confused Minho on the other side.

"What the hell is happening!" He shouted and kicked the wall, soon regretting it because he had hurt himself.

Minho ended up leaving the apartment complex and started on his way home, muttering incoherent words to himself on the way. He was—in Felix's words—'a salty bitch.' All he wanted to do was spend time with Chan, but no, his sister somehow had to ruin that too.

Why couldn't she just leave him alone? All she ever did was make things worse for him.

After an extra long walk to his house, he finally made it, just as it turned half past seven. He signed to himself and went to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He could've sworn he left it unlocked—and he forgot to bring his key too.

He knocked on the door a few times but no answer. "The Hell Minhee.." he looked around for the hidden spare key but it's like the world—or Minhee in this case—was against him.

"Minhee!" He shouted, banging on the door. "What the f—" he then noticed a slip of paper.

He kneeled down, picking up the small piece and reading what was on it,

'Minho if you see this then just wanted to let you know I went out. Knowing you, you probably forgot your key, so there's the hidden one in it's usual spot. I'll be back at midnight! —Minhee'

Minho crumpled the paper in his hand and banged his head on the door. He already checked the spot and there was no key. And midnight? Four and a half hours of waiting here—he could always call Felix.

He nodded to himself and pulled out his phone, finding his friend's number and calling—but it went straight to voicemail.

"What the heck! I know Felix does nothing all day, what could he be busy with," he groaned and looked through the rest of his contacts.

Not Chan, he just got kicked out of his place.

Felix was already off the list.

Parents, no.

Minhee, of course not.

Seungmin and Hyunjin were probably hanging out together.

Jeongin, no—actually, maybe.

He gave it a second thought before he called the young boy. It took quite a few rings until he picked up—but he eventually did.


Minho smiled at his cheerful voice," hey Jeongin, it's Minho."

"I know, I saw the caller ID! Do you need something?" Just by the sound of his voice, it sounded like he was smiling brightly.

"Actually, I'm kind of locked out of my house and I will be for a couple hours—"

"How'd you manage that?" Jeongin interrupted with a small snort.

"I forgot my key," Minho sighed, "but I was wondering if I could come over until I can get back in?"

It took a little while until the younger boy responded, and he wasn't as happy sounding. "I'm really sorry but I'm kind of busy right now, I don't think I can help you—I hope you can find someone though."

"Oh, uh—alright—it's fine, thanks," Minho smiled weakly before hanging up.

Who else could he call? Changbin was probably with Felix to be honest—he didn't have Woojin's number nor was he really fond of the guy—and the last person he could think of—damn.

"Of course," before he knew it—he was already calling the person. It didn't take long for them to pick up either.


"Hey, Jisung."

"What's up?"

"I sort of got locked out, so um, can I come over?"


I updated the cover of this story and I'm kinda proud of it sjfkjsfj


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