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Minho sat on his bed with his phone in hand, realizing just how dumb he actually was. He asked for Jisung's number and he got it—he asked for his sister's future husband's number, and got it. But what did he care? He didn't like his sister anyways.

He sighed and went to Felix's contact, waiting a second before he pressed the call button. A few rings passed then he picked up, "hello?"

"Hey, I got his number."

"You got a guy's number? YOU, got a guy's number?" Felix asked in shock over the other line.

Minho sighed in annoyance, "I got Jisung's number."

"Oh," was all Felix said, he sounded a little disappointed. "Well good for you then?"

"Yeah—" as he was speaking, Minhee shouted from downstairs.

"Minho!! I'm going out on a date with Jisung and mom and dad are gone for a few hours, try and behave yourself while you're alone!"

"Was that your sister?" Felix asked.

"Sadly, one second." Minho sighed once again and covered his phone so he could shout back, "don't care but thanks anyways!" He put his phone back to his ear, "sorry about that."

"It's fine, so why don't you go ahead and tell me your plan again?" Felix asked as he tried to get situated.

"Did you already forget?"

"No, I just wanna hear this again cause it sounds way more complicated than it has to be."

"Fine, so here's what's gonna happen—" he went on explaining the whole plan to Felix once again, groaning after he finished. "Catch it all?"

"Yeah...still way too complicated," Felix said doubtingly.

"Do you not believe in my plan?" Minho sounded offended.

"No no I do—it's just, oh would you look at that, Changbin just got here uh I'll call you later, bye!" And he hung up.

Minho laid back on his bed and sighed, staring up at the ceiling while muttering to himself, "It'll work..."

Minhee had plans for the perfect date with Jisung, they were going to eat at a nice restaurant and afterwards go for a walk around the park while the sun was setting. Such a romantic date and she put it all together herself! Maybe with a little help of the Internet—but it was mostly her idea. She turned to look at Jisung and smiled at him, "do you like the place?" She asked, referring to the resaurant they were now standing in.

Jisung smiled back softly and nodded, "it's nice, I like it. But isn't it a little too fancy? It seems expensive.."

"Nonesense, let's go sit down," Minhee grabbed Jisung's hand and dragged him towards a table that was near a large window. Since it was still bright out, the sun shined in through the window and lit up the tables that were around it.

The couple each took their seats and picked up the menus, looking through all the different selections. Jisung still felt a little 'eh' about this place, seeing as all of the meals were not cheap.

"Pick whatever you want," Minhee said to Jisung with a bright smile. Was she paying for this? He didn't want her to have to pay a lot, so he chose the cheapest thing he could find. Which happened to be a simple bowl of chicken soup.

Minhee had ordered a very expensive salad, which didn't make sense. It was more than Jisung's soup was which confused him. How was a salad that expensive?

After they ordered, Minhee excused herself to use the bathroom and left Jisung to be sat alone. He sighed and rested his elbow on the table and his head on his hand, he didn't see why they couldn't have just gone to some café.

A minute passed and Jisung's phone suddenly went off, he pulled his phone out and checked the notification.

[new number]:
Hey it's Minho, just ignore this. I was messaging you so you'd have my number, k bye.

Jisung laughed softly at the message, quickly typing a short reply.

Well hello then

Ew, 'hello'?

What's wrong with hello?

It's gross and proper

But proper is good

No it's not, it's gross

And if you're so proper then why are you texting on your date with my sister?

She's using the bathroom


Is ew your reaction to everything?

Yes tyvm

While Jisung was texting Minho, Minhee had came back from the bathroom and took her seat in front of Jisung. "Who are you talking to?"

Jisung jumped slightly and looked up at her, he didn't even notice her come back. "Oh, no one, it's fine," he smiled and put his phone back in his pocket.


I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating for like three full weeks!! I finished summer school, I'm moving houses again, and again after that, I'm going to kcon la which has been stressing me out for weeks (also still salty skz aren't going). So with all of that I needed to take a break, I'm sorry for going on an unannounced hiatus but I'll try my best to be back and post every Wednesday from now on!

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