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A new day and nothing to worry about whatsoever—oh but wait, Minho had to find a fake boyfriend so that he didn't have to be a fake boyfriend for Jisung.

Minho rolled over and groaned into his pillow, why did the universe hate his guts. Why was he just stupid.

He looked up and grabbed his phone, checking the time which read one in the afternoon. He unlocked his phone and went to Felix's contact, hitting call.

"What up loser?" Felix asked.

"Wow, nice way to greet me," Minho scoffed. "Anyways can you come over, I need your help."

"With what?"

"I'll tell you when you get here," Minho said and hung up before Felix could even protest, he didn't want to tell him why because he knew he wouldn't agree to it.

In the few hours since their phone call, Minho had managed to change into something that wasn't pajamas and Felix had arrived, slowly, but he had gotten there at least. Felix made his way up to Minho's room and entered without even bothering to knock.

"Yo what's up my loser," Felix greeted and threw himself onto Minho's bed.

"What took you so long?" Minho groaned and kicked at Felix.

"Sorry, Jeongin called me and talked for like an hour.. that reminds me, Chan is an asshole and I removed him from our group chat," Felix informed and rolled over onto his back. "Don't invite him back."

Minho gave him a confused look, "what happened?"

"Apparently he kissed Jeongin or something," Felix shrugged, "don't know the whole story."

"Woah what the hell? What about that Woojin guy?" Minho furrowed his eyebrows, this didn't seem like Chan.

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