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After eating the meal his mother made him and taking a—very forced—nap, Jisung was now in the mall in 'hopes' to find a nice suit for his 'wedding'. He was dreading it immensely.

He wandered around the mall, avoiding human interaction at all costs. Since it was a weekend, the place was filled with teenagers and just people in general.

Where was the first place you should look for a suit? He wished his mother came with him, but she used her soap opera excuse. Jisung sighed and just ended up going to a café—the same one he went to with Minho that one time. He mentally slapped himself, he needed to stop thinking about Minho.

Jisung walked into the café and just sat down at a table, he wasn't hungry or thirsty, he just didn't want to be here. Who's dumb idea was it to go looking for a suit? Oh right, it was his.

He sighed and looked around, freezing when he saw that boy—what was his name? He didn't even know it—but it was Minho's 'boyfriend'. Jisung got up and went over to his table, which he was sitting at with another person. "Hey?"

The boy looked up at him and the fear that was on his face made Jisung himself scared. "Jisung!! Wow what a coincidence, what—what're you doing here? Ahahah."

Jisung decided not to ask about it and answered, "I'm looking for a suit, for my...wedding." He looked at the boy who was sitting next to him, his arm was around the other's shoulders, strange. Hey wasn't he his ex-boyfriend—he didn't remember his name though.

"Wow that sounds like fun!" Felix shouted, trying to distract Jisung from his very non-ex-boyfriend sitting next to him.

"Who's this? Isn't he the guy you were with at the club? The one you broke up with or something?" Jisung tilted his head, he knew he shouldn't be butting into other people's business but he was curious alright.

It was now the other boy's turn to speak up. "What? Broke up? Felix what is he talking about, we never—"

Felix screamed, cutting him off. "Jisung you should go!!!" At this point, everyone in the café was staring at the three of them.

"But why—"

"Yeah Felix, I'm curious too, what is he talking about?" Changbin, the boy's boyfriend, turned to look at him.

Felix started laughing awkwardly, looking anywhere but at the two of them. "Well you see um, Jisung—me and Minho aren't a thing, never were and never will be. Changbin I'll explain this all to you later—"

"Wait what," Jisung interrupted him, "Minho is single?"

Felix laughed, "I doubt he's ever been in a relationship in his whole life."

"Then why did he say you two were..?"

"He panicked, truth is—he likes you, I mean he never said it but I can tell," Felix whispered, even though it didn't matter. "Oh but wait, don't tell him I said that, he'll kill me oof—"

Jisung nodded, he didn't know what to say. Felix watched him and frowned, "You like him?"

Jisung seemed shocked, he quickly shook his head, "no no, of course not."

Felix sighed, "why are both of you such bad liars. Look, Minho's birthday is in a few days, the twenty-fifth, get him something and talk to him."

"How can I talk to him, he'll probably avoid me."

Felix rubbed his hands together, an evil grin on his face. "I have a plan, sit my child, I'll explain."


I honestly wonder how many
people think I'm a female—

Also it's technically Minho's
birthday in Korea rn but shh
next update will be the
birthday update sjjsjh


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