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A few days had passed since Hyunjin called Jisung. A few days had passed since Jisung and Minho were out at the mall. Since then, they had gone back to how they acted before. They weren't talking to each other, though if Jisung could he would. It was Minho who didn't want to for whatever reason.

On this particular day, Jisung was at Minhee and Minho's house again, like he usually was. But this time he hadn't wanted to come. Okay most of the time he didn't want to come—but this time, his parents told him he had to go out because the wedding would come faster than he realized and he needed to get closer to Minhee before they were married. Or some stupid reason like that.

Jisung and Minhee were sitting in the living room, watching some random movie that Minhee had put on. Though neither of them were actually watching it. Jisung was too occupied thinking about who knows what, and Minhee was trying to talk to Jisung.

"Hey! Are you listening?" Minhee crossed her arms and looked at Jisung with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, sorry—what did you say?" Jisung snapped out of his daydreaming and looked up at Minhee.

"I asked when is your birthday? I realized I don't know it," she pouted.

Jisung just tilted his head, "oh uh, it's on the fourteenth."

Minhee seemed shocked, "of this month?"

Jisung nodded.

"That's—tomorrow—why didn't you tell me!?" Minhee slightly raised her voice, but it was mainly from excitement.

"You never asked," Jisung shrugged.

Minhee opened her mouth, about to add on, but it seemed like she couldn't think of what to say, so she shut her mouth and turned her attention towards the TV.

Jisung shrugged again and was about to look back to the TV as well, but he saw Minho walk down the hallway to the front door. That's odd. He didn't hear him come downstairs. Had he been eavesdropping on them? It seems like he does that a lot—but oh well, it is his house after all.

Jisung was finally heading back home after being over for hours. He was getting tired of just watching movies all day, it was boring. He stepped outside after saying goodbye to Minhee and he was about to go down the steps, but Minho was at the bottom of them, staring up at him.

Jisung stared back awkwardly, what now? Should he say hi—they weren't talking so he had no idea if Minho was mad at him or disliked him again. He decided just to risk it and greet him. "Um, hey?"

"Are you just now leaving?" Was all Minho said, not even acknowledging his hello.

"Yeah, why?"

"You've been here for awhile."

"Not my fault, I could have left sooner but I'd feel bad if I just left..." Jisung looked to the ground, lowering his shoulders.

"Eh whatever, like I care," Minho walked up the steps and past Jisung, "bye." He gave a small wave and opened the front door, walking inside and letting the door close behind him.

Jisung sighed and shut his eyes, why was Minho so bipolar at times? First he acts like they're enemies and then they're good friends and then they're enemies again. He doesn't even know what to feel or think right now. He really wants to be friends with Minho but he doesn't seem interested at all, and if he is then he's sure making things difficult.


Okay so next updates will be on
Jisung's and Felix's birthdays!!


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