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Minho was rudely awoken by the sound of a phone ringing. He whined and felt around for the devise, eyes still shut tight. Finally he managed to find the phone, he somehow hit answer and brought it up to his ear, "mhm?"

A women's voice sounded from the other line, "Jisung, is that you?"

Minho smiled softly upon hearing the name but he shook his head. "No, Minho," he spoke drowsily.

The women chuckled softly and spoke again, "ah well Minho, when you see Jisung can you tell him to call his mother back?"

"Mhm," Minho cuddled closer to his pillow, wanting to sleep some more.

"You sound sleepy, I'll let you go now honey," she said before ending the call.

"Bu-bye," Minho mumbled after the call had ended and set the phone on his bed side table. He rolled over to get more comfortable but he smushed his face against something.

He slowly opened his eyes and was met with a back. He blinked in confusion. Did he get drunk and bring someone home last night? He didn't remember going out to drink—wait, Jisung. Minho was now fully awake and had sat up.

He remembered everything from last night. The stuffed cat, the sleeping together, and the—the kiss. Minho felt his face heat up, why did he do that? He let his feelings get the better of him and—

"Minho?" Jisung asked as he turned around to look at the boy. His eyes were only half opened and he had messy bed hair.

Minho could honestly say that he found Jisung very attractive in this moment, "hi."

Jisung sat up a little while after, it seemed like he remembered what happened too because his face was now tinted in red, "so.."

"So..?" Minho copied.

"So we kissed," Jisung stated the obvious, gaining some random confidence.

Minho nodded, "we did."

"What'd you think?"

"What kind of—what'd I think? What'd you think," Minho huffed and turned away to hide his ever-so-obvious blush.

Jisung smiled innocently but evilness was hidden behind it. He leaned closer to Minho, just to mess him him, "your lips are nice, they felt good against mine—"

Jisung was shut to a silence when a pillow was met with his face. "Shut up shut up shut up shut up!!" Minho shouted to cover up Jisung's words.

Jisung was laughing now, attempting to push Minho and the pillow away from him. "I'm telling the truth! I'd kiss you again—"

"Shut up!"

"Make me!"

Minho glared at Jisung and sat back, "you're not going to get me to kiss you."

Jisung took his opportunity and tackled Minho on the bed, sitting right on top of him, "really now?"

Minho screeched and pushed at Jisung, attempting to roll away, "g-get off bitch!"

Jisung leaned down to Minho's face and smiled sweetly, "I thought you liked me though? And you seemed to enjoy kissing me."

Minho turned his head to the side, so he didn't have to face Jisung, and huffed. "I do," he mumbled.

"What? I didn't hear you."

"I do!" He said a little louder.

Jisung smiled in content and got off of Minho, "good to hear. Mind if I take a shower? Where's your bathroom—"

"Wait.." Minho interrupted him. "I think you mom called and I picked up, she said something about telling you to call her back."

Jisung stared at Minho in shock, Minho picked up the phone, to his mother—oh gosh. He looked around for his phone and took it in his hand, calling his mother back.

"Hello?" She said from over the phone.

"Hey mom—you wanted me to call you?" Jisung asked.

"Ah hello Jisung! Yes I did," she answered and it sounded like she had been smiling. "That boy Minho, he seems sweet. He answered the phone a little while ago."

Jisung nodded, he looked over at Minho, who was now curling up in the blankets, and laughed awkwardly. "Yeah—yeah, so hey what'd you want?"

Jisung's mom laughed and continued, "you didn't come home last night so I was worried about you, but it seems like you're fine. Oh and I got your father to sign the papers canceling the arranged marriage, now we just need Minhee and Minho's parents to sign them as well and it's officially over!"

Jisung smiled brightly and almost shouted out in joy, "oh my gosh, really!? Thank you so much—but how are we going to do that?"

"Well I was thinking...maybe you could talk to them about it?" She asked.

Jisung stayed silent.


"Oh—I guess, I can try.."

"That's great! And since you're already there it'll be much easier, good luck baby!" And she hung up.


So many people want WooJeongChan to be a poly thing but sjjdhs it's not gonna happen—I'm not comfortable with poly,, I'm sorry akxjJDJJS

Also I saw ACE live yesterday and I got to hold their hands for like 5 seconds and it was the best experience of my life :")


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