Chapter 18

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Luke's POV

"That's Angela's life story, more or less," I shrugged.

"Are you serious? Woah, this seriously sounds like a soap opera!" Loius exclaimed.

"How is she still sane? I mean she saw her dad murder her mum, on her tenth birthday! And then she blocks herself for society until her prince comes and rescues her!" Harry smirked at me,"And then her dad breaks out of jail and shoot her boyfriend and then he gets shot himself! And then her dad dies and she is forced to break up with her boyfriend! And then she finds out that her father isn't her biological father! And then she tries to make up with you and she finds that you've moved on!"

"Yeah, and who said she's sane," Michael attempted to clear the tension and failed.

"No offense but you're an idiot," Liam told me and I nodded.

"Woah, that girl really needs a break," Niall shook his head.

"You guys should've told me before I was teasing her," Harry frowned.

"She hates sympathy, and she gets really defensive if you talk about her dad or her past," Calum cleared up.

"Okay and why did she seem so sad when you said tomorrow is the 21st of August. Is it like the anniversary of her mums death or something?" Zayn asked Summer. Summer shrugged and checked her phone and gasped.

"OMG were such horrible friends! Tomorrow is her birthday! Which means the anniversary of her mums death!" Summer shrieked and buried her head in her hands.

"I can't believe we forgot!" Maria ran her hand through her jet-black hair,"But all these years, she never ever celebrated it. She always says she will never celebrate the death of her mother."

"No way, everyone has to have a birthday and tomorrow were throwing her a surprise birthday part right here!" I chuckled at Ashton enthusaim,"We'll have a piñata and a huge chocolate cake! We can have another epic water fight! Oh my gosh, we have to go shopping!"

"Calm down, Ash. How about we all go to the mall and get the supplies?" Summer asked and we all nodded.


"My arms are going to fall off!" Harry whined as we walked through the mall.

"Shut up or someone will recognize us," Niall hissed at him.

"Why don't you guys carry the bags! A girl shouldn't have this many presents!" Harry huffed.

"Relax, we only have to get a cake," Maria said while checking her list.

"Why don't we bake one. It'll be more fun if we all baked together," Calum pointed out as he slung an arm around Maria, making her blush hard.

"Yes! I'll cook and clean and do whatever if we just go home," Harry wailed so Niall had to nudge him.

"Sure, let's bake a cake," Maria shrugged as we made our way out of the mall.







"Angela's favorite is vanilla so we are doing a vanilla cake," Summer argued.

"Chocolate cakes are always the best. Once she tries it she'll fall in love with it," Harry urged.

"You know what, let's have a vote," I suggested rubbing my temples as we started getting out the supplies.

"Okay so who wants Harry to shut up?" Liam asked and Harry scowled at Liam as everyone raised their hand.

"Angela likes vanilla so we are doing vanilla," I told Harry sternly.

"You guys are no fun," Harry whined in defeat.

*50 minutes later*

"Stop flicking flour around!" Summer screeched when Zayn flicks some at her.

"You guys are so immature," Louis and Liam yelled from the living room. Liam, Loius, Calum, Maria, Michael and Harry had gotten as far away from the kitchen when we started baking.

"Okay everyone clean up! The kitchen is covered in flour!" I sighed and started to scrub the counter as the door rang. I heard Louis greeting someone and then Angela appeared in the kitchen her eyes incredibly puffy. My first instinct was to drop the broom I was holding and run to her and wrap my arms around her, so that's what I did. I could feel a few tears escape but she wasn't sobbing.

"How was it?" I asked her once I pulled away.

"Too emotional," Angela muttered before greeting the rest of the guys in the kitchen.

"I couldn't handle them crying and saying that what did they do to deserve this torture. If you ask me then they're just over-dramatic but I love them anyways," Angela sighed before taking in the kitchens appearance,"Why does the kitchen look like a flour-bomb went off."

"They had a flour fight," I quickly said and led her away from the ovens sight,"You know how childish we are." I practically pushed her into the living room and thankfully everyone was smart enough to hide the supplies.

"So are you sleeping over tonight," Harry smiled at Angela.

"Nope, my aunt wants me tonight so they can and I quote 'spend a rad night and showing me how to catch up on all the awesome things I've missed out on'!" At that point everyone was clutching their sides laughing their heads off.

"You're aunts pretty cool," Ashton chuckled.

"She's the definition of cool! She says that cool wasn't invented until she was born! And then I got smacked when I said that must've been a very long time ago!" Angela laughed. There was no doubt that I still loved her. Just hearing her angelic laugh made butterflies in my stomach. I missed her like crazy and the only thing I wanted to do was press my lips against hers but I knew she wouldn't appreciate the gesture. Now that I knew Angela had no feelings for Eric then I should've probably asked to get back together but she never said that she felt the same way as I did.

"So what're you doing tomorrow?" Maria asked Angela. Angela had a hurt expression on her face but quickly flashed a smile.

"I'm kind of busy tomorrow, you know family stuff. I'll probably come by around 7 alright? Are you and Summer staying here again?" Angela asked her and Maria nodded excitedly. I walked Angela to the door and said good bye to her. I was beyond surprised when she pressed her lips against my cheek and walked off to her house....

(Hey!! I'm alive!!!! Lol, usually writers say that when they haven't updated in a month but I literally updates last week!!!! Okay, SORRY if this chapter sucked, it was filler anyway. I think I'll do a double updates and WARNING: NEXT CHAPTER IS SUPER DUPER EMOTIONAL!!! KEEP A TISSUE BOX NEAR BY!!!!


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