Chapter 23

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Luke's POV

"What's up?" Ashton asked me, seeing my worried expression.

"Angela's been trying to call me since last night when I called her. My phone was dead and now she isn't answering. Do you think she's hurt? It's 5pm now and I called her last night. Should I go on a plane and see her?" I blurted, really close to jumping on a plane to Paris.

"Relax, I'm sure she's fine," Calum assured me with a smile. I have him a confused look and he just shrugged. I looked at the others and they smirked at me.

"Guys, is there something you're hiding from me?" I raised a brow,"What have you done to Angie?"

"Nothing," they said in a unison.

"You know something that I don't know," I told them.

"Nope! Hey why don't we do a live stream?" Ashton started setting it up and I groaned.

"I'm not in the mood! Angie's MIA and I'm really worried! Where's my mum anyways?"

"Seriously? Your mums out, probably one of those yoga classes," Michael shrugged.

"Hi guys! It's Ashton here and were doing this live stream to cheer up Luke! He's a bit love sick since his girlfriend is in college in Paris!" Ashton cooed and Luke smacked his arm.

"Shut up. I'm worried, she hasn't been answering my calls," I mumbled.

"Awwww, our little Luke's love sick!" Calum grinned.

"Hey you're the least one to talk! I see the way you stare at Maria!" Michael accused Calum with a grin.

"Yeah she's my girlfriend, but she's at college too and I'm not crying about how much I miss her," Calum pointed out and I heard the front door slam shut so I assumed my mums back.

"I wasn't crying about how much I miss her," I protested as I felt arms around my waist.

"That's such a shame, maybe I should go back to Paris then," Angela laughed as I spun to face her and engulfed her in a huge hug.

"What the- What are you doing here? How did you get here so fast?" I rambled on as she cupped my cheeks and kissed me.

"That shut Luke right up!" Michael mused.

"I know right. I caught a flight here as soon as I hung up yesterday. I missed you," Angela smiled but I felt as if she was holding information back. I shrugged it off and kissed her.

"Ehem, can you NOT kiss when we are doing a live stream?" Ashton smirked and Angela's eyes-widened.

"You are so embarrassing! I mean you knew I was coming and you knew I would probably kiss Luke yet you do a live stream!" Angela shakes her head in frustration but I could see the ting of pink in her cheeks.

"I was kind of planning it," Ashton grinned,"Okay, so everyone knows this is little Angela and as you saw, she's Luke's girlfriend! My girl is at college now so you'll meet her later. She's probably dreaming of me right now."

"Yeah right. Wait until Summer hears that and then we'll see what happens," Angela snorted and greets Calum and Michael with hugs as Ashton's face twisted in fear.

"Forget that! So how are you guys? We haven't done this in a long time, my apologizes...." Ashton, Calum and Michael started chatting about how their life has been as me and Angela scoot out of sight.

"So what's the real reason you came?" I asked worriedly.

"I got a text after I hung up and it scared me," Angela took a deep breath and gave me her phone so I could see.

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