Chapter 19

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Angela's POV

The first thing I did when my eyes fluttered open was throwing my alarm clock across the room, making a loud crash as it collided with my mirror. I buried my face in my pillow and muttered incoherent words about how easily mirrors break.

"What the hell happened in here?" Dad gaped at the broken mirror.

"The stupid alarm clock wouldn't shut up," I grumbled knowing a punishment would come soon. He shook his head and sat next to me on my bed.

"I won't say a thing," Dad bent over me and kissed my forehead,"Happy Birthday sweetie. I suggest you take your time before going down stairs because your grandma is crying rivers."

"Thanks, dad," tears started streaming down my face and dad sighed before holding me in his arms.

"I loved your mum with all my heart, but she was married to Patrick. She was too afraid to divorce because she was afraid he'd hurt you. These past seven years have been incredibly hard, especially since you didn't know that I was your dad and you hated me," Dad stroked my hair as I sobbed into his hair.

"I miss her. I would give anything, and I mean anything just to get her back. She was like my other half, I couldn't go one day without her, we were almost inseparable. Every night she used to hum a lullaby to me but that night.....that horrible night......she didn't have the chance to. She didn't deserve it, if anyone deserved it it's me. I shouldn't have been born. If I wasn't born than mom and Patrick would still be living together but at least my mum would be alive," I whispered in between sobs.

"Shhhh, don't talk like that. If you weren't born then Patrick would've still been abusive towards your mum. Katherine had a heart of gold and she would take any hit from Patrick to protect you," Dad sighed and a few tears ran down his face.

"Patrick hit my mum?" I asked horrified. Memories flooded into my brain.


"Mommy, why are you crying and why are there blue spots on you?" I asked as I crept onto her lap. She was sitting on her bed crying and looking at her phone but she quickly stopped when she noticed me.

"I fell down the stairs and it hurts a little. Don't worry, sweetie," mum stroked my hair,"How'd your tooth?"

"It hurts. Will the tooth fairy give me money when she takes it?" I looked up and studied my mum. She had long brown hair and, unlike me, it had natural blonde highlights. Her warm brown eyes showed love and......pain. She was beautiful, if she wasn't always covered in bruises.

"It will, because you're a very good and pretty girl and the tooth fairy like good and pretty children," my mum poked my stomach making me giggle.

"Is daddy here?" I whispered, terror clear in my voice. My dad had never hit me or said anything scary to me but I was always terrified when I look into his murderous eyes.

"He might come home late," mum croaked, hoarsely.

"So he's at a sleep over?" I asked, confused.

"No, he's just out with his friends and he'll come back late at night but he told me to give the biggest hug to his precious daughter before she goes to sleep," my mum squeezed me making me giggle again.

"Mommy can I sleep with you?" I gave her puppy dog eyes and she smiled softly.

"I'm gonna hug you so hard so that all the yucky blue spots will go away," I declared proudly as I cuddled with my mom on her bed. She flinched but smiled softly at me and started humming a lullaby to me.

"I love you, Angie."

"I love you, too mommy," I yawned as I drifted off to sleep.

*End of Flashback*

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