Chapter 34

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Angela's POV

"You look stunning," I told Summer who was dressed in a long navy blue dress.

"Ha, you look 100 times better than me," Summer scowled, putting on mascara on her face. I smoothed down my cream knee-length dress and fixed my hair. I had decided on wearing it down in curls.

"Where's Maria?" I asked.

"She and the boys are already at the party. We should get going as well, Ashton's waiting in his car," Summer huffed after giving up on fixing her mascara.

"Stop being so insecure. You're beautiful," I scoffed.

"I want to look presentable. I'm telling Ashton later," Summer said nervously as she locked the apartment door behind us.

"Relax, if Ashton doesn't take care of you two than I'll personally kick his butt after murdering him. Oh and can I please be the god mother?" I begged and she laughed as we got into Ashton's car.

"Looking good, ladies," he grinned at the rear view mirror.

When we got there, the whole party was in full swing. I looked around for the others and found them chatting in the back yard with the Hemmings."

"Hey guys!" I smiled at them and they returned it,"Where's Luke?"

"With Naomi in his room," Ben grumbled, obviously in a bad mood. All the Hemmings looked mad and broken. I noticed that Andrew Hemmings, Luke's dad, wasn't here and the boys were sending Liz dirty looks.

"He's where?" My jaw clenched but I quickly unclenched and ran up to his room. I swung open the door to find Naomi holding Luke's hand and stroking his cheek with the other. Their faces were inches apart and I had a feeling if I hadn't came in and gasped then they would've kissed.

"What's happening?" I choked, stepping back from the room.

"Angie it's not what it looks like-"

"That's the most cliché line you could have said," I spat, tears welling up in my eyes. His eyes widen and he strides towards me so that our bodies were inches apart. I wanted to step back or slap him but I stayed frozen.

"I swear nothing happening between me and Naomi. I'm hurt that you think that I would ever cheat on you. I love you Angela, please stop thinking like that," Luke pleaded and cupped my cheeks in his hands and pressed his lips to mine. I immediately pulled away and watched as his eyes filled with hurt and guilt.

"I don't trust you anymore. You've been lying to me and hiding things from me too much lately and that made my trust for you disappear. If you want my trust back then look me in the eye and tell me that you and Naomi aren't hiding anything from me," I said strongly, hiding all my emotions inside me. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again.

"I thought so," I spat and I didn't even bother holding back the tears. My boyfriend, the only guy I trusted with my life and had said that he loved me, had cheated on me. And admitted it.

"Wait, it's not what you think. There's absolutely nothing more than friendship between me and Naomi. If you give me a chance, then I'll explain everything to you," he begged and I forced myself to look into his eyes. They were pleading and all I could do was nod. He tried to hold my hand but I yanked it away. He looked at me, hurt written all over his face.

"Naomi, can you get out?" Luke said strongly and Naomi obeyed.

"Just remember that I love you more than anything and I wouldn't dare ever look at another girl when I'm with you," he started and I felt my heart melt,"My mum cheated on my dad three months ago." My eyes widened when I heard that. How could Liz do something like this? If word got out than this can ruin Luke's career. More importantly, how could she do this to her sons?

"I'm so sorry Luke," I wrapped my arms around him and I felt him relax. I remembered Naomi and every time he snapped at me and I pulled away.

"I didn't know, neither did my dad. They day you left for Paris, Naomi called me and told me that she had seen my mum at a café with a man. When mum came home, I questioned her about it and she lied. The next day, I followed her and I saw her getting close with that man. I confronted her about it infront of my whole family and she confessed,"I could see Luke holding back tears," She'd been seeing him for two months. My dad got angry and stormed out of the house and he hasn't been back. Me and my brothers stopped talking to mum and she stopped trying to talk to us. I couldn't tell the boys and Naomi already knew so she was here to comfort me. Her parents divorced two years ago because her dad had cheated on her mum so she knew how I was feeling and she was there to help me get through it."

"So instead of telling me and letting me help you and comfort you, you stayed with Naomi," I choked,"That's not even the worst part. Why did you snap at me and act distant?"

"I thought you knew," Luke said in a quiet voice.

"If I had known that your mum cheated on your dad then I would've told you," I assured him.

"I thought you knew that mum cheated with Mark."

(Uh oh, incase you forgot, Mark is Angela's dad :O !! I'm doing a double update!!!!!! But the next one also has a massive cliffhanger and there will be a huge dent in Luke and Angela's relationship! Stay tuned for more! ILYSM!! :D :D :D)

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