Chapter 24

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Angela's POV

"What the hell?" I groaned and tried to sit up but I couldn't.

"Sit still," I looked up to see Aiden holding an ice pack to my head. I was sitting on their couch at his house.

"What happened? What am I doing here?" I bombarded him with questions and he frowned.

"Wait do you know who I am?! Oh crap! Do you have amnesia?!" Aiden gaped at me.

"An idiot as always," I scoffed and last nights events flooded into my mind. The mystery person must've hit me or something for me to black out.

"Wait! Last night....Where's Luke and Sam? Oh god are they okay?" I screamed and Aiden gave me a 'shut up' look but I kept on rambling on.

"They're in the kitchen. Guys she's awake and she won't stop talking!" Aiden yelled and Luke, Sam and Eric ran into the room.

"Are you okay?" Sam and Luke wrapped me in a hug.

"Yeah what happened? Did you guys see the person? Was he the one that that blacked me out?"

"Oh please. I didn't do anything, you're the one that tripped on a twig and hit your head on the headstone," Aiden scoffed and my eyes widened.

"You're the one that dug my mums grave? You're the one that sent me those messages?" I growled and tried to lunge at him.

"Relax and let me explain!" Aiden held his hands up in defense.

"You knew about this?" I glared at Eric and he quickly shook his head.

"Okay why don't you start at why were you digging up my mums grave?" I told Aiden.

"Alright, as you know my dad travels a lot. He took me along one of his trips to Milwaukee and he introduced me to his girlfriend. She looked really familiar. That's when I noticed that I saw her picture in your phone and she looked almost exactly like you. I thought I was hallucinating until she introduced herself as Katherine Drew, i remembered that you said that was your mothers name," I froze but I urged Aiden to continue,"I came back from the trip a week before you and Eric's break up and I was trying to forget about it, but eventually I couldn't take it. I went and dug up the grave but I didn't find her body which confirmed my hunch. Your mum never died." Tears slid my face and Luke wiped them away.

"That was the night that we saw you right? Then why did you run away?" Luke asked.

"I wasn't sure that it was you guys. If it was anyone else they would've accused me with stealing dead bodies, but I realized that it was you when I got away so I sent you that text," Aiden explained.

"Why did you act all mysterious in those texts? 'Shes alive and we both know it'? 'Meet me at her empty grave tomorrow'?" Luke read out the texts and Aiden shrugged.

"Don't really know," he shrugged,"Angela had my number so I thought she knew it was me."

"I got a new phone, I lost all the numbers I had," I replied bluntly, still trying to soak in the information.

"Are you okay?" Eric out his hand on top of mine which was resting on my knee.

"I don't know. Why would my mum fake her death and run away to Milwaukee? Why would she leave me?" I whispered and a tear escaped my eye. Luke grabbed my hand from Eric's grip and held me closer to him.

"It's okay, I'm going to be with you every step of the way. We'll call Mark and fill him in and then I'll take you to Milwaukee to face your mum alright?" I nodded and leaned into Luke.

"Thank you," I whispered to Aiden and he smiled,"I still hate you."

"I didn't expect anything else," Aiden gave me a smug grin and I scoffed.

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