Chapter 31

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Luke's POV

"I can't believe you punched him!" Ashton laughed, earning a death glare from Angela who was holding a pack of frozen peas to my cheek.

"I thought he was cheating on my best friend. That was the least I can do," Summer smiled sweetly and innocently at me.

"Summer, are you sure you don't have bipolar disorder?" I asked her and she scowled at me.

"Does it hurt?" Angela asked worriedly.

"It doesn't hurt as much as it did an hour ago when she hit me but it still hurts. Maybe you can kiss it to make it better," I batted my eyelashes innocently at her as she pecked my cheek, sending tingles on my cheek.

"All better," I chuckled before kissing her on her lips.

"Guys can you not!" Maria groaned.

"Sorry, Maria, hows Tylor? You know, the guy you text everyday that you call Ty? Wasn't he your middle school crush?" Angela batted her eye lashes at Maria innocently and I had to stifle my laugh at the Marias murderous look.

"Who's Tylor?" Calum half-growled.

"A friend that Angela gave my number to," Maria and Calum glared at Angela.

"All I did was give a hot guy my bffs number!" Angela protested, and it was my turn to glare at her.

"What movie do you want to see?" Michael asked as he flicked through my DVDs.

"Horror," Angela answered as she snuggled up to me.

"That's just an excuse to cuddle with Luke!" Michael argued as Angela nodded her head.

"No problem here," Ashton smiled and pecked Summers lips. I could see Angela holding back an 'awww' so is wrapped my arms around her and planted a kiss on her nose, making her beam at me. Calum stayed quiet and stayed sat at the love seat next to Maria. I felt bad for him, he was probably upset about 'Tylor'. Summer and Ashton sat on the carpet, infront of the TV while Michael took a seat next to Angela on the couch we were sharing.

"You find any excuse just to cuddle with me," I teased her.

"That's it," Angela untangled herself from my arms and wrapped her arms around Michael. He seemed surprised at first but then he wrapped his arms around Angela and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Great, my girlfriend is cheating on me with my best friend right in front of me," I scowled and got shushed as the movie started. Half way through the movie, Summer and Calum had screamed 7 times, Maria was close to wetting herself, Ashton was shielding his eyes, Michael was whimpering and I was officially scarred for life. And, of course, Angela was having trouble staying awake.

"Shhhh, Mikey, it okay. The blood is fake and the people are actors. No one is gonna kill you after seven days," Angela coaxed and gave Michaels arm a squeeze. Michael scowled at her while all of us chuckled lightly,"But seriously, shut the hell up. I'm can't sleep because of your whimpering."


"She's really asleep isn't she?" Ashton turned off the TV and plopped onto the couch next to a sleeping Angela.

"Yup, the girl never fails to surprise me," Michael smirked at me,"Aren't you mad that your girlfriend was all over me? She's obviously over the piercing and has a sudden interest in pink-haired guys."

"I would dye my hair pink for her, but I really don't wanna be bald," I shrugged, making everyone roar into laughter.

"Awww, really?" Angela opened one eye and looked at me.

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