Chapter 21

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Angela's POV

"Luke! Stop distracting me!" I scolded him and he shrugged.

"I'm just playing with my Chris. You're the one that gawking at me," Luke smirked at me and continued playing with Chris. Luke was lying on my bedroom carpet while I was on my bed, reading an email from the college in Paris.

"What's up? You look really pale," Luke jumped up and read the email,"Congrats! You got a scholarship! I'm so proud of you!" He wrapped me in a hug, correction, he squeezed the life out of me.

"This is so amazing! But it sucks that I have to go next week," I wished I hadn't mentioned that because Luke's eyes darkened.

"I'm gonna miss you like crazy," he groaned, making me giggle.

"You could visit me and I'll visit you on weekends, easy," I smiled although the thought of him not being with me hurt me so I decided to change the subject,"I'm really sad that I won't see dad before I go."

"He's been in California for two weeks now working. What's he working anyway?" Luke wrapped his arms around me and I leaned back onto him.

"I wish I knew. He hasn't been calling lately. The last time we had a proper talk was two weeks ago," I sighed,"He was asking me about my mum and if I saw her dead and if I went to the funeral and it got me thinking......." Tears started welling up and Luke looked alarmed.

"You don't think........" Luke trailed off.

"I-I don't know. I mean just because we didn't see her dead body doesn't mean that she's alive. But I just can't stop thinking...."

"Stop it. Stop giving yourself false hope. What if you assume your mothers alive and then you get proved wrong? You'll just get more heartbroken then before," Luke said warily.

"What if she IS alive? What if she survived and the doctor was some psycho that kidnapped her and told everyone shes dead? What if they mixed her up with another woman? Just leave me a shred of hope," I cried. Luke pulled away and stared at me.

"No your mums dead. Don't think otherwise because then you'll just get heartbroken when you realize the truth. Which is that your mums dead. Understand? She's dead. As in, she's in heaven now. She's no longer with us. She passed away," Luke said sternly.

"What if she isn't?!" I growled, getting more annoyed by the second,"What if because of negative thoughts like yours people didn't even bother to look!"

"Calm down and face it. You saw it yourself, you saw her dead yourself," I shuddered at the memory.


"Go to sleep, I'll wait for your dad, alright? I'll have a talk with him and then he'll come up and say sorry for missing your birthday alright?" My mum said softly and warily and I nodded.

"I love you, mum," I told her softly. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much sweetie. Everything I do and did is because I love you with all my heart heart. Please remember that. The day I make a mistake, remember that," She urged.

"Mum, you could've just said I love you too," I giggled.

"That's not my thing. You know me, go big or go home," mum joked and planted a kiss on my cheek again.

"Good night. I love you!" I told her.

"And I love you with all my heart!" My mum replied as I snuggled into my bed.

After three ours I heard a scream and my first instinct was to grab my emergency phone and call 911 just like my mum had taught me to. After I called them I ran down stairs and I kept hearing shouting and screaming. I grabbed a broom from the broom closet and I tip toed over to the kitchen.

"Mum? Dad? Who's there!" I had taken self defense classes and I had a broom in my hand so I thought I was prepared for what was about to happen. I was so wrong. I was no where near prepared when I saw my mum practically drowning in her blood. I wasn't prepared to see my dad stabbing her, over and over again until she collapsed. I dropped the broom and cradled mum in my arms.

"Mum wake up. Mum mum, wake up. Mum please don't leave me! Mummy! Mum, I still need you! Mum I need you! Mum please! I love you! I love you with all my heart! Say it back to me! Mum wake up!" I cried as I heard sirens near by. The next events happened in a blur. My mum was whisked away as well as my dad. Our neighbor, Mrs Smith took me in until they contacted social services. I didn't know I had a grandma and aunt then so I was adopted a few weeks later my Mark, my biological dad.

*End Of Flashback*

"Luke.......I need to be alone. Just go," I stammered, afraid that I would end up fighting with Luke. I looked at the time and saw that it was 10:50pm.

"Alright, just please don't get your hopes up. Don't start imagining and hoping for the impossible," Luke pecked my cheek before leaving me. I got a call from dad and I didn't hesitate to answer it.


"Angela, I need a favor but don't ask any questions," Dad sighed and by the sound of his voice I could tell that he hasn't slept in a while or he'd been crying or both. Most likely both.

"I missed you too and yeah I'm fine," I said sarcastically,"What's the favor that's more important than checking on your daughter?"

"Dig up your mother's grave."


I was in my car driving over to the cemetery. My hands were sweaty which made it hard to hold the wheel. I kept telling myself to take deep breaths so I don't pass out but it wasn't really working. Dad had to have a reason to ask me to do that. I pulled up in front of the cemetery and got out the shovel.

"What's up with the shovel?" I turned around and saw a dark figure approaching me. I screamed when he lunged to get the shovel but i side-stepped and kicked him in his gut making him fall in pain.

"Ouch, you could've just said none of your business," A familiar voice groaned.

"Luke," I sighed.

"No, it's Anthony," Luke huffed as I helped him up. He hugged me and I didn't hesitate to hug him back.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I?" I asked confused.

"I was a little harsh earlier. Forgive me?" Luke pleaded and I hugged him harder,"Now that you've forgiven me, mind telling me why you're at the cemetery at 11:00?"

"Were you following me?" I said angrily.

"Duh, I mean when you see you girlfriend holding a shovel and running into her car crying at night, you'd probably follow her," Luke explained,"Now answer my question."

"My dad called," I took a deep breath,"he wants me to check on mums body. He wouldn't answer my questions but I think he thinks mums alive."

"Angela," Luke sighed,"You know that I don't want to say anything to get your hopes up. So what? You want dig up your mums body and then? You're going to see her dead body and you'll break."

"What if it's not her that buried there? What if there's no one buried there at all?" I locked eyes with Luke and gave him a pleading look,"Please you know that if you don't let me do this then I'm going to regret not knowing for the rest if my life."

"Okay," Luke gave in and gripped my hand. He picked up the shovel with the other hand and we walked into the cemetery. I let out a yelp when I saw a dark figure standing by my mothers grave but my yelp was muffled by Luke hand.

"Shhh," Luke said wide eyed. The figure had a shovel in his hand and he was staring at the grave. I ignored Luke protests and started running over to get a better look of the person. I stepped on a twig and the persons head snapped up at me. He immediately started running and I didn't know why but I ignored him and ran to my mums grave. Luke ran up to me and let out a gasp. The figure had came for the same reason as us. My mother grave was dug up.

"Luke I croaked. He wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest, looking at my mothers grave.......

(CLIFFHANGER!!! WHO IS THAT PERSON WHO DUG UP THE GRAVE???!!!! IS HER MOTHER IN THE GRAVE OR NOT!????? Woah, this is getting more and more like PPL!!! Another update coming now!!! ILYSM!!!:D!!)

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