Chapter 38

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Luke's POV

"So did Angela forgive you last night?" Michael asked, chugging down his cereal.

"Yes, I'm so lucky. She agreed to try and be friends but I don't know how I'm going to restrict myself to just being friends when I still love him," I sighed and dumped my bowl in our kitchen sink.

"Your in some deep drama, dude," Calum told me as he grabbed the cereal box and started eating his breakfast.

"Speak for yourself! You and Maria aren't looking so great either so shut up," I countered, him returning me a scowl.

"Wait, what did I miss?" Michael asked in confusion.

"Calum, here, punched Marias friend in the nose for talking to Maria. Over-protective boyfriend, much? I think so," I beamed at Calum.

"That guy Tyler was drooling over her and flirting with her! Excuse me for trying to keep a leash on my over-active girlfriend!" Calum argued loudly as Summer, Ashton, Angela and Maria walk in.

"Your what?" Maria growled.

"Busted," Ashton smirked and little Cole giggled in his arms.

"That's not what I meant," Calum stood up and tried to talk to Maria but she stormed out of the kitchen.

"Someone's in trouble," I mused, earning eye rolls from everyone.

"Summer's living with us here. She wanted to live here instead of getting our own house," Ashton shrugged and took Summers luggage before disappearing upstairs with Summer and Cole.

"Okay the tension in this room is suffocating. I'm going to pretend and do something upstairs," Michael practically ran up the stairs.

"What's his problem?" Angela frowned,"Did he and Renda fight or something?"

"They broke up two months ago," I informed her and her eyes widened.

"I can't believe I didn't know! I'm such a horrible friend!" Angela groaned.

"If I hadn't hurt you then you wouldn't haw locked yourself up from the world," I told her sadly when we fell into an awkward silence.

"So....what happening with 5SOS? Now that Ashton has a boy and a wife will you guys break up or...?" She asked curiously.

"No, we agreed to continue after Cole is at least a few months so that we can take them when we tour. We'll manage," I sighed as Angela sent me an apologetic smile while texting on her phone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, exasperated.

"Chase, he's just telling me that he's leaving my apartment right now and that he left the key under the carpet," Angela shrugged and my eyes widened in horror and sadness.

"Ch-Chase moved in w-with you?" I stammered, picking up my jaw from the floor.

"No! He stays with me for some nights," Angela shrugged again, my jaw still on the floor,"Wait that sounds wrong. He sleeps in the guest room." I finally managed to stop gawking at her.

" and Chase, huh?" I asked, trying not to sound too sad or heartbroken.

"Me and Chase? There is no me and Chase," She repeated, cluelessly. She opened her mouth to say something it Maria and Calum burst in.

"Maria's going to be my wife!" Calum shrieked and I spit the milk I was drinking all over Angela.


"Seriously?" Angela scowled at me, drying her hair after the shower she took.

"I said I was sorry! I was surprised!" I protested but she continued to scowl at me.

"I was surprised as well but I didn't spit milk in your face," Angela scoffed.

"You weren't even drinking milk," I pointed out, earning another glare.

"Can you shut up so we can hear what they have to say?" Michael frowned, ushering to Calum and Maria.

"We're getting married!" Maria announced with a huge grin, that made even Angela smile warmly.

"Congrats!" Summer beamed and wrapped Maria in a hug.

"Good going, man," Ashton grinned at Calum. We all congratulated them except Angela who stayed quiet.

"Something wrong?" Maria frowned at Angela's silence.

"It's just," Angel sighed,"I'm afraid that you guys are moving too fast. I didn't want to say anything when Summer was getting married but.....marriage at the age of 18? Isn't that way too early? Summer, you're 19 and yet you're married and you have a baby boy. It just doesn't feel right." Maria's face fell and uncertainty flowed in. Summer look thoughtful as if she's taking in what Angela just said and the boys looked uncomfortable.

"I," Maria started but seemed at a loss for words.

"I don't have anything against marriage.....I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to get all excited now and get married and have children and then you face problems and you divorce. I'm just saying that you should think more about this and if you really love Calum then go for it," Angela smiled, easing the tension. The others were relieved but I could see right through her smile. Pain. Lots of it.


"Hey," I whispered, startling Angela.

"What are you doing here?" Angela asked me.

"I should be asking you. What are YOU doing at my backyard at 2:00am?" I smirked and sat next to her on the grass, leaning against the oak tree.

"Summer asked me and Maria to stay over so we could all help plan the wedding," Angela snorted and buried her head in between her knees.

"You really don't want this wedding to happen," I mused and she stayed quiet.

"I don't want to loose them," Angela whispered, barely audible.

"Why would you loose them?" I asked quietly.

"I'm...I'm afraid that we'll drift apart. They'll have husbands and kids to take care of and ......I'm afraid that they won't have time to bother with me. And yes I'm aware of how childish I sound," Angela snorted.

"I don't think its possible for Summer not bother or bother with you," I smiled at her and she returned one and I felt the tension thicken in the air as we lock eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I told her softly and she nodded.

"I know," she said calmly.

"You know that letting Naomi kiss me was the biggest mistake I ever did and I'll regret it for the rest of my life," I whispered and leaned in until our lips met. I nearly sighed in relief when I felt that familiar, yet strong spark between us and to my surprise.....She kissed me back.


Go read 'Clichè by @TheAmayzanPerrie it's an amazing Calum Hood fan fic!!!! Oh and go read Promises by @mackie1125 she's ana amazing writer and it's a 1D fan fic!!

Okay, I just wanna thank everyone who's reading my book. I don't give a crap about the votes and comments anymore, it just warms my heart to see that people are actaully reading my book!!! ILYSM !!! :D :D :D :D)

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