Chapter 47- Last Chapter

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(This is it.....the last chapter of Confusion......oh my god.....)

Luke's POV

"How is she?" I asked the doctor when he came out of the surgery room.

"We.....we did the best we could. We tried our best and we'll just have to see what happens," he sighed and apologized and went to inform the others. I froze when I heard him. Angela. He was practically telling me that Angela might not make it. I dropped to my knees and pulled at my hair. All of a sudden, I burst into tears. No, I couldn't live without Angela. She couldn't leave me. Soon everyone was in tears and I was sitting on the chair infront of Angela's room, staring blankly at the wall. I think I stared at it for three hours until Ashton forced me to go home and rest. I didn't get a wink of sleep that night....or any other night for the next three weeks. My thoughts were too clouded with Angela. She had to be okay.

*Three weeks after the accident*

"Luke, come on. Let's go home. Sitting next to Angela and staring at her won't make her wake up," Calum said softly but I ignored him and continued to stare at Angela. She hadn't woke up yet and I wanted to be there for when she woke up.

"Luke, come on or we'll carry you home like yesterday," Michael ordered and I sighed and followed them outside the hospital. It was raining since it was November 19th and I sighed. Angela used to love the rain. No she still loved the rain. She would make it, she had to. As soon as I got in my bed, I got out the ring I got for Angela. Someday, she would wear it. Someday......

My phone started ringing loudly and I didn't want Summer here scolding me about waking up Cole from his 9pm nap so I answered it quickly.

"Mr Hemming?" A quiet timid voice asked.

"Yeah, this is he," I answered.

"Uhh, well I don't know how to tell you this but.......I was checking up on Mrs Brockwell and I kind of.....found her standing on a chair with a rope in her hands."

I froze. Angela was awake! But she had a rope in her hands.....

"She was trying to kill her self!" I screamed and got on my jacket and flew out of the house and into the car, on my way to the hospital.

"Well yes, but when I came in, she quickly dropped it and told me not to tell anyone what I saw. I don't know whether to tell the doctor or not because he might put her in a mental hospital but I decided to tell you and let you decide," The nurse told me and hanged up. I drove to the hospital and ran into Angela's room as soon as I got there but her bed was empty. Where was she?! I frantically searched the room until I looked out of the window and saw a figure sitting in the hospitals back garden, in the soaking rain. Angela.......

I ran out into the rain and sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Angela!" I whispered and hugged her. She sat there, hugging her knees to her chest with a blank expression on her face. Once I realized that she wasn't hugging back, I let go of her.

"How long have I been out?" She whispered after an uncomfortable silence of both us just staring at the sky as the rain poured on us.

"Three weeks," I said quietly, turning my head to study her features. Her golden brown hair was looking as amazing as ever....but her eyes lacked emotion.

"I should've died. Why didn't you let me die?" She asked, not an emotion in her voice.

"We love you. We wouldn't let you die," I replied strongly and she nodded her head slowly.

"Why did you try to kill yourself?" I whispered sadly. Her state was tearing me to pieces. She didn't have a single emotion in her eyes.

"Felt like it," She answered with a shrug.

"Angela, we all love you. Please don't do this. We've all been worrying a bout you. Mark has been so stressed that he was going to worry himself to death, same goes to everyone," I argued.

"Let them die. Let them feel what mum felt," Angela said without any emotion in her voice.

"Angela, they love you! Whats wrong with you? Please don't do this. This isn't you. Being back the old Angela," I pleaded. She continued to stare at the sky until she turned to face me.

"The old Angela died along with her mum," Angela said and for a second, sadness flickered in her dull eyes until she stood up and walked away.......

I had to get the old Angela back......but.....was it possible?

(That's it!! I've been thinking and..........I'm seriously thinking about doing a sequel. I think I should because I'm kind of leaving it on a sad cliffhanger...plzz no hate or yelling about this chapter and just cry. OMG I finally finished a book.....oh my god it feels so good!!! I feel like I finally accomplished something!!!! Yet I'm so sad that my book came to an end......

*sobs like a maniac*



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