DC, Attempt One, Prologue

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"Madlynn! Come on we're going to be late!" Mother yelled from down stairs.

"Help me with my corset, mother!" I called down the stairs. Mother huffed up the stairs and tightened my corset and slipped on my boots muttering about our 'stupid' servant taking today off of all days. She had already put my hair up in the most eccentric bun I've ever seen.

"Madlynn!" Mother yelled again, already at the door. I flew down the stairs and out the front door toward the coach that was waiting for me. I gratefully pat Ginger, our horse, on the nose before getting inside where mother sat, a much older version of me in an elegant violet gown.

"I don't see why we have to do this mother." I pouted.

"Don't do that sweetie. You'll get wrinkles." She scolded at my frown, playing with my cheeks. "But dear its a ball, all the upper class ladies will be there. And we need to keep our image up after your imbecile brother ran away."

"Don't you even miss him mother? Or is your pride in our family name more important to you?" I growled. Turning around, I tapped on the small window toward our driver signaling him to stop the coach.

"Madlynn! What are you doing!" Mother gasped as the coach slowed to a stop and the driver came and opened the door with a questionable look.

"I don't feel like going to the ball mother. Have fun without me. Say I came down with a fever or something." I said before climbing out of the coach. I began walking back to the manor, lifting my dress as I went.

After a moment I heard the coach leave and I turned to watch it continue toward the city. I turned back and continued on, hoping to make it back before dark so I could practice either my archery or with my sword to calm my temper.


Pulling back my bow, I felt my chest tighten from the corset. Mother had tied it too tight and since today was Philip's day off, he couldn't help me out of it.

I shrugged it off and shot the bow, almost missing my target. I groaned, reaching back trying to reach the tie to either loosen the corset or take it off. Once I figured out mother had tied it in the middle of my back so that I couldn't reach it, I gave up and bent down to pick up my dropped bow.

Suddenly, the world started spinning and my vision dimmed. I froze, feeling the ground before slowly bringing myself down to the ground and gripping the sided of my head. I could feel the temperature drop suddenly and I curled up into a fetal position, squeezing my eyes shut. I could feel my body willing itself to loose consciousness so I let myself drift into the sweet bliss of sleep.

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