DC, Attempt Two, Ch. 3

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"So I'm just stuck here." I slumped down in defeat, all of my energy drained. "I'll never see mother again."

"We are still trying to find a way." Savanah reassured me, but I could hear the doubt in her voice. The fear of being here subsided as I accepted defeat.

"Do you think Percy would have any ideas?" Savanah suggested quietly to Zenan.

"If anyone would, it would be him. Here been here longer than almost everyone."

"Who is Percy?" I asked, sitting up, my interest peaking.

"Hasn't he been trying to go back for the last few hundred years?" Zenan pointed out.

"He stopped about fifty years ago." Savanah explained.

"Who is Percy?" I asked again, continuing to be ignored.

"Will he even want to help then?"

"I'm sure he can help us." Savanah said.

"Who is Percy!"

"A friend." Zenan said before continuing to talk to Savanah. "How long will it take to get there?"

"About a half a day trip, but we have a few things we need to do before we go on a trek like that." She stood up, heading to a cupboard with a wash basin, grabbing a cloth and putting a few drops of a glowing golden liquid on it before dipping it in the basin. She pulled it out, wringing it out before handing it to Zenan. "Put this on your neck. It will keep it from scarring."

"She will need some as well. For her back." He said, taking the cloth and pressing it firmly where I had cut him. I immediately felt small and vulnerable, wanting to bolt again, but I didn't. Savanah just smiled and nodded, and quickly prepped a cloth for me as well.

Instead of handing me the cloth, she ushered me into a small bedroom off to the side, and began rooting through a wardrobe. When she found what she was looking for, she tossed the clothes onto the bed before addressing me.

"I figured you would like a fresh change of clothes, but my dresses would be too small for you. It's all I have, so I hope it fits." She smiled, gesturing to the pile of cloth on the bed before going to my back and untying my dress and corset. "The potion will probably sting, but you should be healed in a few days."

The wet cloth was cold on my back, but after a moment, it felt like my back was being stabbed by hundreds of needles, causing me to wince in pain. Suddenly the cooling sensation was back, and my back relaxed. Savanah removed the cloth, patting my shoulder as she left the room for me to change.

I quickly slipped the dress off, my body relaxing, and I began inspecting the clothes Savanah had set out. It was a simple blue buttoned shirt, and a pair of leather trousers. I slipped the clothes on, struggling for a few moments with the buttons, but eventually got everything on, the loose, oversized clothes a nice break from the tight corsets I was used to.

As soon as I walked out of the bedroom, Savanah rushed over and ushered me over to the wash basin, which was now full of fresh water. She picked up a small metal bucked and gave it to Zenan.

"Go fetch me some more water, now shoo." Savanah ordered. Zenan just rolled his eyes and left, then she focused on me. "Lets get you cleaned up, eh?"

She began helping me untangle my hair, and we eventually got it washed and clean. I quickly dried my hair while Savanah fetched me a comb. I ran the comb through my hair, ridding it from any tangles that were left, and styled it so it would stay out of my face.

Suddenly, I became dizzy again, closing my eyes, and catching myself on the counter. I heard the comb hit the ground, but I couldn't do anything about it. The nausea finally hit, my head beginning to pound, making me nearly collapse. I felt two hands on either side of me, catch me and lower me to the ground. As quick as it came, it was gone again. When I opened my eyes again, I saw Zenan kneeling above me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, an almost concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine." I stated, standing up, and ignoring his outstretched hand. I braced myself against the counter, as I became dizzy again from standing up too quickly, but I pushed his hand away when he tried to help me balance again.

"You should probably sit down. Rest for a while so we can travel to Percy." Zenan suggested, stepping back and motioning  towards the little seating area.

"I'm fine." I said again.

"Zenan is right, you need to rest for the trek tomorrow. It's too dangerous to travel this close to dark, so we will have to go in the morning." Savanah walked in, carrying a small basket of what looked to be some sort of eggs.

"Who even is Percy?" I asked, sitting down on the straw sack. Savanah smiled, setting the basket down on the counter, and began washing the eggs. Zenan sat down on on of the chairs next to me as Savanah began explaining.

"Percy is a good friend of my sister's, who lives in the mountains. He has been trying to go back to earth for most of his life, ever since he was brought here like you were." She began.

"Wait, so he is human?" My voice hopeful.

"Mostly." She smiled back at me, beginning to get out a large metal cooking pot and prepping the eggs for it. "Though Percy is immortal, unlike the rest of your kind brought here."

"There are others?"

"The only living ones are you, Percy, and the friend I was telling you about." Zenan butted in. Savanah raised an eyebrow at us, but stayed silent.

"Will I ever be able to meet your friend?"

"He is currently in Eclarth's defences, which means he may or may not be able to leave for visitation." Savanah finished preparing the eggs, and put the pot over a small fire pit in the corner of the hut, and lit it. "Though, I'm sure Percy will be delighted to meet another of his kind."

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