DC, Attempt One, Ch. 4

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My breathing quickened as the realization dawned on me. "When will he be here?"

"The notice says today." Zenan said happily, oblivious to my almost panicked state. "The messenger just arrived, and news travels slowly."

"Should I fix up a few beds for everyone?" Savanah questioned. "I'm assuming he will be coming here and you two won't be able to make it to town before dark. And with the Nightlings getting stronger and Ganter being in our possession, it won't be safe."

"Thank you." Zenan smiled. "That would be great."

"Would you like a hand with that?" I offered as Savanah began walking inside.

"Thank you for the offer, but I want you to take it easy." She smiled. "You could come and instead, keep me company if you would like."

"That seems positively delightful." I beamed, following her inside. I followed her to a small cupboard where she had different quilts and furs. We, rather she, quickly laid out three sacks and covered them with the blankets.

"Would you go and let Zenan know we've finished?" Savanah asked me, adding some finishing touches.

"Yep!" I agreed, leaving the room to find him. Glancing out the door as I walked out, I saw a familiar figure heading towards me and I froze. Then he saw me; eyes interlocking. It was really him.

"Maddy?" He asked quietly, disbelief clear. I covered my mouth, eyes welling with tears. Then, I sprinted to him leaping in his arms. It felt like we were hugging for hours, but it was only a few minutes before he put me back on my feet, cupping my hands in his. "How did you get here? Or well, when?"

"Today actually. Just a few hours ago to be exact." I beamed. I hadn't seen him in years.

Suddenly his eyes furrowed. "There's no way to go back."

"Blak-?" Zenan froze as he saw us. I leaned closer to Blake, still unsure if I trusted them. "Uh.... What's going on?"

"Zenan!" Blake smiled, rubbing my back slightly before leaving my side to high five Zenan. "Do you know who this lovely young lady is?"

"Madlynn?" Zenan supplied, very unsure.

"Madlynn Sawyer to be exact." My brother beamed. "Notice the similarities yet?"

"You mean she's your-?"

"My baby sister." Blake filled in back beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and squeezing it.

"But how?" Zenan looked beyond confused and possibly a little alarmed.

"I thought you would know." Blake answered, a hint of sadness and disappointment in his voice.

"There's no way to get back?" I squeaked, surprised and confused. "But mother! She's all alone now!"

"Mother will be fine without us." Blake reassured me. "How's your back?"

"Worse since you left." I sighed. Then my eyes widened, turning to a confused Zenan. "But, its better know. Savanah helped."

"Your back?" Zenan asked.

"Nothing." I stated quickly, no doubt sounding suspicious but he was a stranger and he didn't need to know just yet. Blake gave me a questioning look and I just have him a short nod.

Zenan looked toward my brother for an answer and he just shrugged.

"Blake Simon Sawyer. Why didn't you come say hello sooner?" Savanah teased, coming out of the hut. Blake grinned, leaving my side to give her a bear hug, picking her up in the process.

"Savanah!" He exclaimed happily. "How have you been!"

"You're too kind." Savanah laughed stepping back after he put her down. Blake, still grinning, reclaimed his spot beside me. "I see you two have finally reunited."

"You knew?" Zenan asked almost shocked.

"The resemblance is uncanny, and anyways if you listened to any of Blake's stories of Earth, he's described her so many times the moment I saw her I knew." Savanah explained. By the end, both Blake and I's faces were beet red in embarrassment. Shyly I buried my face in Blake's chest and he laughed. Zenan just stood there, watching all of us like we were mad.

"How?" Is the only word Zenan could speak.

"No one knows how we got here then?" I bit my lip, hopeful but already knowing the answer.

"The only people that might know would be a friend of mine or my sister." Savanah gave me a small, sad smile.

"I was planning on running away the night it happened." Blake said quietly after a few moments of silence. My body went stiff. "I had a note for you."

"I never got a note." I froze, staring at my brother without any emotion.

"I tried to give it to Philip when I was brought here. It must have been lost."

"You weren't going to take me with you?"

"You were only twelve. I couldn't let you grow up like that." There was pain in his voice, his eyes staring straight into mine.

"Anything with you would have been better that what I had to go through with Mother." Anger shot through me. The fact most of the pain and heartache I've had to go through could have been prevented, pained me.

"You would have lost me anyways."

"But I might have come with you. I'm here anyways." He bit his lip, closing his eyes. I could tell he was refraining from saying something he would regret. He had gotten better at that.

"If I could go back I would. These last five years have been terrible wondering why I was brought here. Why I was taken away from you." He said finally, "And I know Mother wasn't the best and was probably worse since it happened but at the same time I'm almost glad it happened this way. You grew up into a bold young woman."

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