DC, Attempt Two, Ch. 4

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The evening passed by quickly, and before I knew it, Savanah was laying out sacks on the floor of her sitting room for Zenan and I to use as beds. Some time went by, and I could hear the soft, steady breathing of the others, fast asleep. I quietly got up, slipping through the front door and setting myself down under a nearby tree. I could hear Savanah's birds quietly clucking, and I just took a deep breath looking towards the sky. I could see three small spheres, softly illuminating the night sky, unfamiliar stars and galaxies dotting the area around it.

"Can't sleep?" I heard Zenan ask, making me jump as he sat down next to me.

"The sky is beautiful." I admired, ignoring his obvious question.

"I'm sure It looks much different than the night sky you are used to." He sighed, laying back onto the soft grass, almost grey in the pale moonlight.

"They are so drastically different, yet strangely alike." I laid back as well, getting a different perspective. I closed my eyes, breathing in my surroundings, only to see the haunting silver eyes I had seen earlier that day. I quickly opened my eyes, glancing around, wondering if I would see them again.

"Are you alright?" Zenan asked, glancing around as well. I quietly nodded, focusing my attention back to the sky. He relaxed, looking back towards the stars as well, before pointing. "Do you see that cluster of stars?"

I followed his hand, seeing the triangular cluster he was pointing at, and he began telling me stories of foreign kings and queens, and ancient philosophers.

"Shaiken Reim," Zenan pointed to an almost star-like shape, nearly straight up from where we were laying. "A queen, made out of stardust to rule her kingdom, and began looking for a king. She fell in love and had her creators send them to the stars to ensure they would be together forever."

"Legend says, every few hundred years they are reincarnated, continually ensuring they will be together forever." He seems lost in thought for a moment, before shaking it off and turning back towards me.

"I should probably try and sleep again." I said quietly, getting up and dusting my clothes off. The air was getting noticeably chillier, and I had no doubt we had been out here for hours.

I quietly went inside and laid back down, getting comfortable, but sleep wouldn't come. Every time I closed my eyes, I could see those strange silver eyes. Eventually, I heard Zenan come back in, hours after I had, and soon he was asleep as well.

I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, but my dreams were haunted with the cloaked figure, my attack against Zenan, and the pain and loss of my brother. When I woke again, I could see daybreak, the sky splashed with brilliant oranges, lavenders, and chartreuses.

"Did I wake you?" Zenan was standing by the doorway, looking out to the sunrise.

"No." I said quietly, getting up and stretching before joining him at the window. The grass sparkled from dew on its blades, the sky misty and magical. The air was still cool without the sunlight, making me shiver.

"Good morning." Savanah walked in, smiling, wearing a pale blue nightgown. "You two are up early."

"Couldn't sleep." Zenan stated, his eyes never leaving the window. I nodded, my body finally waking back up, the wary feelings from yesterday returning.

"We should eat a quick breakfast, then be on our way." Savanah began working on her small stove, getting pots and pans out along with many odd looking ingredients. The morning was quiet and peaceful, the only sounds audible were birds chirping in the trees, and insects purring in the grass.

Breakfast was an odd oatmeal styled dish; warm, grainy, and in a thick paste-like consistency. The flavor was rather sweet, and the porridge was topped with small orange and red berries adding a slight tart flavor to balance it out. We all ate in silence, despite Savanah's few attempts to make conversation.

Soon, we were ready to embark on our trek. Savanah had already made up a small basket to carry supplies, such as, a few pieces of fruit, some herbs and spices for potions, and a small dish to mix them in if  need be.

As we began walking, we nearly formed a line; Savanah taking the lead, with me following, and Zenan holding up the rear. The walk was mostly quiet, taking in the scenery.

The forest became slowly thicker, and more diverse, before thinning out, the terrain becoming more sloped. We were traveling on a small, worn path that eventually lead us into a valley before branching out. The suns were nearly overhead by the time we rested.

"We are nearly there." Savanah said before motioning us to rest.

My head had been pounding for at least the last hour, so I nearly collapsed at the notion of rest. Zenan raised an eyebrow of concern at me, but sat down on a large rock. I rubbed my temples, trying to get the pulsating pain out of my head, but if anything it only made it worse.

"Put this on your tongue, but try not to swallow it." Savanah handed me a small, angular leaf. I followed her directions, keeping the leaf on my tongue, it's taste bitter and tart, my headache lessening almost immediately. I closed my eyes, leaning back in the grass, a small breeze blowing through the trees.

"How much farther? I heard Zenan ask Savanah.

"Maybe a few hours of walking. Why?"

"We're getting close to Nightling territory. We should get going soon." Zenan's voice was laced with concern.

"What are Nightlings?" I asked, opening my eyes and sitting up. They both looked at me with startled glances.

"Not what, but who." Zenan explained. "But, let's hope you don't have to find out."

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