DA, Attempt 2, Prologue

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Eighteen Years Earlier

The pain was nearly unbearable; hot tears streaming down my cheeks almost constantly. I didn't even know why, half the time. We hadn't known each other for long, so it shouldn't affect me, right?

I could feel my brother's eyes on me, his presence hovering in the doorway. After a moment he left again, the cycle still repeating. I had been curled up next to his body for the last 48 hours; every moment since his death.

"It should have been me." I whispered, tears returning. I gently brushed his dark hair out of his face, caressing his cheek before choking up again, and leaning back into his cold, hard chest.

My stomach growled, breaking the silence. I hadn't ingested anything since the morning of the incident, my throat dry and scratchy, and my stomach growling quite frequently. I knew Blake was worried about my health so I decided to give in and get something to eat and drink.

As I was standing up, a hand grabbed my wrist, and I heard a deep gasp behind me. Screaming, I spun around, yanking my wrist out of the hand. Zenan was sitting up, looking confused at my sudden outburst.

"Your mind is playing tricks." I told myself, chuckling nervously. Was I losing my mind? I questioned myself, tears streaming down my face once again. "He's dead. He's not here, he's dead."

"Mads what's wrong? Who's dead?" Zenan, who was generally confused, reached up to wipe my tears away.

"You are." I stated almost frightened, flinching away from his hand. He froze for a moment, suddenly shuttering. I inched back into the wall.

"I remember. You're right, I should be." He stated sadly. "Has it really been two days?"

I gasped at the feeling of his mind searching line. I hadn't felt that since we figured out we could. Then quickly, I blocked out his mind from my thoughts.

"I'm real you know." He told me quietly. I took a deep breath. Half of me wanted to touch him and see if he was real, but the other half didn't want to be disappointed if he wasn't. I gulped, reaching my hand out and grabbing his. My eyes widened as I touched real skin and flesh.

"How..?" I asked somewhat rhetorically, in awe. I slowly felt up his arm until I reached his cheek. Once I knew he was real, I pulled him to the floor with me, hugging him tightly, once again crying.

"Maddie?! I heard you scream, what happened?" Blake rushed in, panic in his eyes. He froze when he saw Zenan alive and well. "You see him too right?"

I just gave him a slight nod, before getting closer to Zenan. Blake nearly choked, still staring at Zenan. Zenan smiled, standing me up.

"Shall we go freak out the others?" He laughed. I wiped my eyes, giving him a small laugh. Blake blinked, before giving a deep laugh.

Blake lead the way toward the main room, Zenan and I nearly connected. The others were sitting in a huddle, probably deciding about his funeral. Lucas was in the corner with Mayshu.

"Surprise?" Zenan said quietly, but sure how to break the silence. All heads turned towards us, Lucas' eyes full of tears. Suddenly, he bolted towards us, and I had to step backwards, away from Zenan to keep from being trampled.

"This is a great surprise." Percy nodded with a small smile as the brothers were hugging. Blake wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me back as Veronika, Savanah, and Percy came over, prying Lucas off Zenan to examine him.

"Very interesting." Veronika observed, checking his pulse." This shouldn't be possible though, no offence."

"Then how?" Lucas asked, eyes filled with wonder.

"The magic may have had a delayed effect, but two days is a really long time." Savanah explained, puzzled.

"Maybe the _____ needed him for something?" Percy supplied.

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