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Ascella's POV
I watched as Zara played with her toys. It was already late November and starting to snow. Thanksgiving was soon and Liv invited us to her place for dinner. It was dangerous when dad had to go out for cases now...he could be caught in the storm late at night. I sighed and got up to make dinner. Dad got home while Zara was asleep...
"Hey, how was it today?"
"Pretty good, I guess. Baby was abandoned outside of a church."
"A baby?" I gasped. I loved babies, children in general, but its been a while since a baby was around.
"Don't get too excited, sweetheart..." he chuckled.
" the baby dead?"
"No! God, no...he was left out in the cold...only a day old at least."
"Hey, maybe you could see him. Give him some comfort."
"That'd be so amazing." I grinned. Dad kissed my head, "Get some sleep."
I nodded and headed upstairs, "Buenos Noche, papa."
"Buenos Noche, mi estrella..."

I walked through town with Olly while Zara was with Abuelita.
" know you don't have to spoil me." I laughed as he led me into a store. He scoffed, "I am going to spoil you until your birthday comes along."
"Olly! It's only November! My birthday is January 1st!"
"Still doesn't give me an excuse not to spoil you." He kissed my cheek. I looked through the clothes...I didn't really like shopping, I was too indecisive, but I still have a sense of fashion. Olly shook his head, "I'll pick and you try on." He pushed me into a dressing room before shoving clothes at me. I smiled and started.

I looked in the mirror, then at him, "You really like red, huh?""Especially on You, baby

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I looked in the mirror, then at him, "You really like red, huh?"
"Especially on You, baby..." Olly bit his lip. I shook my head and laughed, "Okay, loverboy. I gotta change outta this."
"I'll pay for it once you're done."
"All of this?" I furrowed my brows.
"I like how they look on you, so yeah...all of it."
"You're crazy..."
"About you." He smiled cheekily. I rolled my eyes and we finished up in the store.
I quietly sang along with the music as we drove. He hummed and smiled as I caressed his cheek.
"Can you tell me more about Eli?" I whispered. His face fell and he glanced at me, "Um..."
"I-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I sat up and looked ahead.
"No, no, no, it's okay. I haven't told you a lot anyway. It's just a sensitive subject."
"Yeah..." I murmured. He grabbed my hand and looked at me, "What do you wanna know?"
"What were you both like when you were children? I'm much older than Zara, so I didn't really have a sibling to grow up with..."
He chuckled and kissed my hand, "Competitive."
"He was older right?"
"Yeah, just by two years though."
I nodded and smiled, "I would've loved to meet him..."
"He would've liked-..."
Olly aggressively pressed on the brakes and we stopped abruptly, but with that we were rear-ended and hit on the drivers side. My ears were ringing and I had a hard time processing what had just happened. I looked around before my eyes hazily landed on Olly, who was unconscious.
"Miss! Miss, can you hear me?!"
I lost consciousness immediately.

Nick's POV
"Detective Amaro!" Nash walked in. I furrowed my brows, "Nash, What is it?"
"Both of our kids are in the hospital. Car accident."
"Oh my god, what?"
"Nick? You alright?" Liv walked out of Cragen's office.
"No, Olly and Ascella just got into a car accident. Did they say which hospital?" I turned back to Nash.
"They're at Mercy, Olly is undergoing surgery right now, I don't know Ascella's condition is. I texted Charlie, he's there now."
"Go, we'll hold down the fort."
I rushed out and sat in Nash's car, "Y'know, from all the days I've missed, I'm surprised I haven't been fired yet." I laughed, trying to diffuse tension and calm us both down. Nash chuckled, "You're just too charming. I see where Ascella gets it from."
I loved the thought. I loved saying Ascella was mine. Actually and truly mine. We arrived to the hospital and were directed to the ER. I saw Charlie pacing.
"Charlie! How are they?"
"Olly's in the operating room still. He took the second impact, airbag blew up and broke his neck and possibly his spine...I haven't been told much about Ascella. All I know is that she has head trauma and whiplash. She's being examined now."
"Oh god..." Nash rasped, running a hand through his hair. I went to the front desk and asked where Ascella was. I found her room and saw the doctors and nurses there, "I'm this girls father, Nick my daughter alright?" I saw the cast on her arm.
"Your daughter hit her head harshly against the window and was hit again by the airbag, she has a concussion. Her wrist was almost crushed, luckily it's just a fracture. I don't mean to throw this into you, but did you know that your daughter was pregnant?"
"N-no, I didn't."
"It's obvious she didn't either. Her diet would have changed along with other things."
"Will she be awake anytime soon?"
"No, she's on morphine and sleeping medication. She needs to rest."
I nodded, thanking them and sitting by her side.

Olly was still in surgery. It had been at least 5 hours now. I sighed, finishing up a call with my mother telling her what happened. Ascella was still deep asleep, so I tried not to wake her up with my movements.
I leaned down and kissed her head, "I wish this didn't happen to you so much, mi amor..."
"Nick?" Liv and Amanda walked in. I smiled sadly, "Hey."
"Jeez..." Amanda touched her cast lightly, "Aw, Sug..."
"She was pregnant." I blurted. They both looked at me, "Anders baby..."
"Shit. And she lost it?"
"Yeah..." I sighed and sat down, "Why does this keep happening? She's a good kid..."
"Nick, things happen..."
"Olly's still in surgery. They say he might not be able to walk again."
"Let's have faith..." Liv whispered. I nodded and watched Ascella as she slept. It was another few hours and still no response from her and no word from Olly. Amanda and Liv went back out to solve the case. I pulled out my phone and opened my messages to Maria...I couldn't find the courage to text her, but I knew I needed to. I recently got into a fight with her during a case...we ended up forgiving each other, but there was still tension. I got up and paced around the room, typing out what happened. I knew I wasn't going to get an immediate response back, so I set my phone down and waited...

Ascella's POV
I sat next to Olly's bed, holding his hand. He was in a coma and they don't know how long it'll be until he woke up. I woke up the next day after the accident. I felt so stupid...I shouldn't have distracted him or started talking about Eli. Footsteps trailed in behind me, making me turn. It was Charlie with his friends. I got up to leav, but Charlie stopped me, "It's Okay, just sit down..."
I complied and watched as they examined him. They had worry and regret in their eyes. Charlie rubbed my shoulders gently, trying not to look at Olly much.
"I haven't seen him like this before..." one of the guys said.
"Even after a game, he's always scratches..."
This broke my heart, and caused me to get up and leave, Charlie was obviously following me.
"Ascella...Ascella, please."
He pushed me into a janitors closet and looked at me, "Ascella, this isn't your fault. You both didn't see the car..."
I shook my head, "I shouldn't have started talking about Eli...he-he was so distracted and..."
", breathe..."
"He shouldn't be in a coma."
Charlie hugged me tight and rubbed my back, "Don't worry, Amaro, don't worry..."

When will it stop?

I am the crappiest person to ever live on the planet. I love drama y'all. Okay, just wanted to check in or whatevah. Byyeeeee!

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