Get It Right

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Ascella's POV
I said bye to Liv and them, Rafael was the last one out the door, but he took a moment to look at me.
"Should I be expecting you on Monday?"
I shook my head, looking to Paulo holding Tanner. He nodded and gestures to Dad before closing the door. I sighed, sitting at the table and finishing my food.
"How have you been sleeping?" Paulo wondered, rubbing Tanner's back.
"Tanner doesn't make too much fuss at night, so I've been okay."
"But you're still up til 2am..."
I looked to him, "How do you know that?"
"I know you. I dated you...I know when you don't sleep. It's pretty obvious when someone has known you for a long time."
I looked away from him with a small shake to my head. I was too easy to read sometimes...
"Ella, you're making everything so hard for yourself. The break up with Enzo-"
"That was mutual."
"Oh really? What about me getting shot?"
"Literally my-"
Paulo's voice became firmer, "It's no one's fault. Ascella, you like to find the blame for yourself in everything, but hate admitting that you're wrong. What does that say about you?"
I looked at Paulo and furrowed my brows, "I...I don't know."

I drove Paulo back to his place. Tanner slept quietly in his car seat as we talked.
"You were gonna tell your dad on your birthday?"
"Yeah...but then we got into a fight and I just couldn't.."
Paulo nodded and held my hand, "You do what you have to do, okay?"
"I don't know what I have to do anymore..."
"You'll figure it out."
I nodded and unbuckled to help him up but he stopped me.
"It's okay. I-"
Another car pulled up and we looked to see Enzo get out. We both exited the car and I held the keys right in my hand.
"Hey..." Enzo whispered. He stepped closer, but I stayed close to Paulo, who wrapped an arm around me. Enzo looked down, "I'm so sorry, Ella...about everything. Cheating...lying..."
I looked into the car to see tanner wide a awake with a small smile. I opened the door and took him out of the car seat. He tugged at my hair gently and giggled, but started to get more excited when he saw Enzo. I cautiously let him hold Tanner. Enzo took a moment before breaking down as he held Tanner tightly. I looked away, fidgeting with the ring on my finger before Paulo hugged me gently. Enzo handed Tanner back to me and headed to his car.
"I'm gonna make this right..." he looked to me, then nodded to Paulo, "I promise."
Paulo nodded back and helped me into my car. He cupped my face and smiled before heading back upstairs. I sighed and drove back home, carrying him in and talking softly.
"We're not sleeping tonight, huh?" I closed the door and set my keys down, "Do you wanna read a story?" I shifted him in my arms gently. He cooed and I opened the fridge for a bottle before I picked out one of the books I would read to Zara. I sat with him on the couch as he looked at the pictures in the book.

He had eventually fell asleep that night, but in the morning he woke up bright and early. I headed down to the kitchen, humming gently. Tanner looked around, sucking on his pacifier. Dad walked downstairs in his suit, pouring himself some coffee. I smiled and kissed Tanner's head before feeding him. My dad answered the door when the bell rang and Liv was there with Barba. Tanner giggled as he knocked the spoon out of my hand, causing me to laugh gently. I got up and cleaned my shirt before getting another spoon.
"Maya's conscious and we have a trial on the way."
"That's good."
"Did you hear that? Mommy's awake." I wiped his mouth and picked him up, rubbing his back. Liv offered to carry him before they had to leave as I cleaned up our eating space.
"Did you talk to Enzo?"
"Yeah." I laughed before taking Tanner, "See you guys. Might visit Maya today."
"Be safe." Dad smiled. I nodded and then made eye contact with Rafael behind him. He mouthed a small "love you" before turning to follow Liv. I smiled and turned away as my dad closed the door.

We went to the hospital around 3 that day, Enzo was waiting for us in the main floor before we took the elevator going to her room. It was unbearably silent with just the two of us plus Tanner. Enzo sighed and turned his head to me.
"How are you?"
"I'm...i'm good. Been keeping a good eye of Tanner."
"Thank you." Enzo smiled weakly. I nodded and fixed Tanner's onesie and adjusted the baby bag on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry," Enzo turned to me, "I should carry something."
I hesitated before handing him Tanner, which shocked him a bit. We arrived to the floor and I followed Enzo to Maya's room, where she was talking with two women. Maya saw Enzo and Tanner which caused her to grin and reach for her son. I set the baby bag down and headed towards the door.
"Ascella!" Maya's voice stopped me before I stepped out, "Won't you stay for a bit?"
I looked at her, then Enzo, before nodded. I was greeted by the two women.
"Hi, I'm Jessica, Maya's mother."
"And I'm her Tia Berenice." We shook hands and I nodded.
"I'm Ascella Amaro, I've been watching over Tanner."
"You're a friend of Enzo's?"
"Habla español?" Her mother asked. I nodded softly.
She started to explain how she and her aunt have been living in Texas and how they work for an organization that allows immigrants to see their loved ones at the border. I listened politely, but my mind was everywhere else.
"Ascella, do you have your car keys?" Enzo wondered. I nodded and pulled them out.
"I unbuckled the car seat before coming into the building, so there shouldn't be any hassle. There's some laundry in the trunk, just his onesies and bibs."
Enzo nodded and I stood, "I'll go with you. I have to get going anyway."
I bid everyone farewell before walking out of her room with Enzo. I helped him load his car with Tanner's things before getting ready to leave. Enzo leaned over my window and sighed.
"Thanks again for everything."
I nodded and smiled, "Anytime."
He bit his lip before tapping my car, "Don't be afraid to visit, yeah?" I nodded before starting up my car and driving away. I didn't really know where I was going, but I knew it wasn't back home. I don't know how long I was driving for, but it was starting to get dark and it was snowing again. I knew I had to get home soon before my dad freaks out. I went to the nearest gas station to fill up my tank so I wouldn't worry about it tomorrow. I wrapped my jacket around me tighter as I let the pump rest in my tank. I looked around and noticed this street wasn't as busy. Maybe it was the snow that made it that way. I shook my head before taking the pump out and paying. After that, I got into my car and started it up, but before I could move, there was a thud against my car and I looked to see a man holding up another one against it. I got out quickly.
"Hey! What the-"
I stopped to see Charlie and Hank, both breathing heavily and very bruised.
"Charlie?! Hank?! What the fuck?!"
Charlie looked at me and that gave Hank an opportunity to push him down and get on top of him.
"Stop! Hank! Charlie! Stop!" Charlie got the upper hand and got on top of Hank, but I managed to pulled him off, "Please, stop!"
They both stood, glaring at each other and panting as I stood in between them. Hank walked away to a nearby car and I helped Charlie into mine.
"C' house isn't far." I whispered. He nodded and held his side in pain while closing his eyes. I drove quietly, still very confused with what just happened. Charlie pulled out a flask and drank from it. I wanted to take it from him, but I knew it helped with the pain. I parked in my driveway and supported him to my door.
"Almost there, just a few steps..." I whispered, struggling to open the door. It opened with Amanda in the doorway.
"Sug? What happened?!"
I shook my head and helped him onto the couch, "I don't even know...I was getting gas and then he and Hank were fighting against my car." I got the first aid kit from the bathroom and set it down while I helped him get his jacket off. He winced, barely conscious.
"Hey, gotta stay awake, okay?" I cupped his face. He looked at me weakly and nodded. I wiped his lip and his brow, trying to get the blood. Dad handed me an ice pack and I held it against his eye, which was swelling up.
"Hold this for me?" I whispered softly, which made him comply. I reached for the buttons on his shirt, but he stopped me.
"I'm fine..."
"You would've said that before I got you in my car..." I retorted while unbuttoning his shirt, "You dyed your hair..."
"No, my hair's always been brown. I just dyed it in high school."
I laughed gently before looking at his side. It was literally black and blue, which made me wince.
"What the fuck were you two doing?"
"He...he wanted to talk to you."
I shook my head, "Why go to you?"
"We're friends. Well, used to be...I don't know, a lot's changed since Olly died."
My heart skipped a beat when he mentioned Olly. I haven't really talked about him recently, and hearing it from Charlie hit too close to home. I sighed and wrapped him up.
"You're not bleeding internally-"
"How do you know?"
"I'm familiar with human anatomy and forensics science, you know. It's apart of my major."
"I guess." He smiled. I shook my head and helped him up.
"Okay, c'mon. You're not going home tonight."
"You're too generous."
"Well, I'm gonna yell at you in the morning, so don't get too comfy."
I got him into the guest room and closed the door gently as he drifted off. I then headed downstairs and picked up his jacket.
"Are you okay?" Liv asked. I nodded.
"Where's Tanner?"
"Maya's mom and aunt are in town, so they're gonna help Enzo take care of him now." I hung up his jacket in the closet before taking off mine and undoing my hair. My phone buzzed and it was a text from Rafael.

Rafael: Dinner tomorrow night?

I smiled gently and texted back before closing the closet. Everyone had continued to eat as I headed to my room, but my dad stopped me.
"Eat something first."
"I'm not hungry."
"Ella, please..."
I looked at him, "You know I haven't been taking my pills..."
"And I know you've missed three sessions because you've been taking care of Tanner."
I nodded and took a seat. Everyone talked amongst themselves, but I still had too much on my mind to strike up a conversation.

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