My Fault

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Ascella's POV
I woke before Dad. I let out a small laugh when I saw him, realizing that he fell asleep next to me last night. (A/N: NO THATS NOT WEIRD)
I moved off the bed gently and went down to make breakfast and fixed up Zara's gift since she's leaving today at noon.
She rushed down stairs and hugged me tight, causing me to laugh. She sat and ate, waiting for Dad. He got down and smiled, kissing my head then Zara's.
"C'mon Zara, let's open your presents." I sat with her on the living room floor. She unwrapped around five and hugged dad and me.
"Why can't I stay for Christmas?" She wondered, playing with a new doll. I kissed her head, "Because mommy is down in DC and she wants to spend all day with you! You remember when she wasn't here for Christmas?"
"So...she's gonna make up for that." I looked to Dad, who was dressed and hooking his badge on his belt. I furrowed my brows and got up.
"I thought-"
"I know. Don't worry..." he picked up Zara and held her close, kissing her head. I smiled sadly before a wave of nausea hit me hard, causing me to catch myself on a chair. Dad went to me,
"You okay?"
"Yeah," I laughed weakly, "Haven't really eaten, that's all."
"I'll be out for an hour then come back, so I can drop her off to the station with you."
I nodded and sat on the couch, waving goodbye to him. Zara sat with me and we watched TV.
"I miss you." She whispered.
"I'm right here."
"But you're not in DC."
"I know...but you know I have to go to school."
"Can't you go to school in DC?"
I felt tears in my eyes, "It's not as easy as you think, bebz."
"Is it my fault?"
"Is it my fault mommy doesn't love daddy anymore?"
I pulled her up to look at me and shook my head, the tears finally falling, "Look at me. Listen to me, okay?" My voice broke and I bit my lip, "It's never going to be your fault, okay? Do you understand?"
She nodded and wiped my cheeks, "Yes." I nodded and hugged her close.
"I love you, Ella."
"I love you too, baby..."

Rafael's POV
I looked through the write ups and sighed. Even if I wasn't back at work, I still had work at home. Before I could do another one, my phone started to ring. I looked to see Ella, which caused me to smile.
"Rafi?" It was obvious she'd been crying. I sat up straighter in my chair and closed the writeup.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I-um, my sister goes back to DC today and-and-" sobs escaped her lips quietly, "Sorry, I'm in the bathroom and I don't want her to see me cry." A weak laugh resonated from the phone, "I-I'm just so emotional right now and not feeling good."
"It's okay, it's gonna be okay, take a breath."
There was silence and it broke my heart to hear her sniffles, "Do you need me to come over?"
"My dad said he'll be back in an hour, we can't risk it." She whispered. I sighed and nodded, "Okay...okay. Have you eaten anything? Regular meals?"
"No." She whispered, "I...I wanna tell him..."
"My birthday..."
"Like at midnight, or..."
"I'm serious, Rafael."
"I know. I know..." I tapped my pen gently, "Well, then I should be there, huh?"
"If you can't-"
"No, I don't want him to take all his frustrations out on you. I'll be there." I laughed, "And don't worry, I can take a few hard punches."
She let out a small whine, "Raffa..."
"Okay, I'm sorry." I smiled, "But I made you smile, huh?"
She laughed, "Maybe..."
"I love you, Raffa..."
"I love you too, Ella."
"I have to go, Okay?"
"Okay. Eat something...get some sleep...and take it easy."
"I will..."
"Bye." She hung up and I sat there quietly, thinking about what she said, "Oh god, I hope Nick doesn't punch hard."

Ascella's POV
I must have dozed off on the couch, because I found my dad shaking me gently.
"Hey. Ella, you stay here and rest, okay? I'll drop her off."
I sat up and Zara hugged me tight, "I'll try to visit, okay? Merry Christmas, Bebe."
"Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, Ella."
I smiled weakly before watching her walk out.
"I'm just gonna go straight back to work after dropping her off, okay?"
He walked out and I laid back down, sighing. An hour passed and the door bell rang, so I got up and answered the door. There I saw Rafael, Opal, and Shireen.
"He seems nice since he brought you flowers." Opal smirked and Rafael's cheeks turned pink. I smiled weakly and let them all in before hugged Rafael, "Why did you come? What if my dad was home?"
"Would've thrown the flowers into the bush and talked about work." He smiled.
"Wow, he gets a hug but we don't? We've known her longer you know?" Opal raised her brow. Shireen hit her playfully, "You're not Nevada Ramirez." She smiled, causing all of us to laugh. We sat together in the living room and talked.
"Oh yeah, Ascella can sing and dance. She was supposed to be a cheerleader."
"I wasn't supposed to be. They offered but I refused." I smiled, looking to Rafael. He kissed my head, "I wanna talk to you..."
I nodded and got up, "We'll be right back."
"Don't be too loud, okay?" Opal laughed, but I just simply rolled my eyes and lead Rafael to my room. Once we got in, Rafael picked me up and placed me on my bed, making a laugh leave me. We laid down and he kissed my neck gently.
"I love you..." He whispered and lifted my shirt, kissing my naval, "So much..."
"You wanted to talk..."
He looked up to me, "Just wanted to see how you're doing..."
"Not good.."
"Yeah?" He held my hands, kissing my stomach gently.
"The doctors said he might be paralyzed..."
Rafael came to a stop and looked at me, "And how do you feel about that?"
"I blame myself..." I covered my face, "I-I'm so miserable and worried and stressed."
"And I've added to that mix..."
"Don't say that..."
"It's true isn't it?"
"No. Never." I sat up and he followed, "You're actually helping me, Rafael..."
His arms wrapped around my stomach gently and he leaned his head into my neck, "That's a relief..."
I sighed and placed my hands over his arms, "I...don't think I'm ready to tell my dad about us."
He hummed, "Okay."
I laughed, "You're so..."
"Cuddly today."
"I miss my bebita...mi reina...mi corazon." He kissed my shoulder and threw us back against the bed, causing me to laugh. We laid there quietly for a few minutes before Rafael spoke up.
"I'm a little bummed that you're not pregnant."
"Because if you were...we wouldn't have to hide...Nick would eventually let me be with you..."
"You could lose your job..."
"Right now, I'd rather lose that than you."
"Rafael you haven't even known me for more than a year, don't say that. You've worked too hard to just give everything up for someone."
"Olly did it."
This caused me to pull away from him and get up, "Don't you ever use Olly against me!"
"Ascella, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you upset."
I wiped a stray tear and turned to him, "I want everyone to know about us so badly, Rafael. I hate hiding things, especially from my dad."
He got up and cupped my face, "I know, I know..."
He lead me back to the bed, "Do you think we could have some fun before going back downstairs?"
I smiled and nodded, pushing him down and unbuckling his belt.


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