1. Blue: Neverport Mystery by LesleyChance

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Whatpad Name: LesleyChance

Tittle: Neverport Mystery

Genera(s): Fantasy, Mystery/ Thriller 

Personal Message to the audience:

I really cannot believe that I've come this far, and it truly means the world to me. A big thank you to the UGC panel for making this contest possible, and taking time out of their schedules to read the entries. If you believe I deserve it, it would mean a lot if you could click the little star in the right hand corner. And a huge thank you to my readers; it's you guys who keep me pumped to write and publish that new chapter. :D 


When the Darling family moves to Neverport, Wendy is the first to notice that something is off. At first she ignores it, but things get stranger every day she spends there.

And when she sees her childhood friend Peter again, she knows that something just isn't right.

Passing it off as a trick of the light, Wendy continues on life as she normally does.

Well, until she has a run in with a few of the tales surrounding Neverport. With a few new clues to what's going, on and new suspicions, Wendy realises what she has to do.

Now Wendy has to solve the mystery of Neverport- but not everybody wants her help. Will she be able to solve this mystery and help this town, or will she fall to its curse like all the rest?


Wendy Darling sighed, slouching down in her seat as she looked across the street. Her neighbors were playing ball; passing it to one another and keeping it far away from the youngest boy. He jumped up in the air trying to reach it, but the older kids kept holding it out of his reach.

It was almost sad.

The little boy fell over, landing on his side. Wendy leaned closer to the glass, putting a hand against it. She hoped he was okay.

He shouted something at the tallest boy, slowly getting to his feet. Wendy smiled as he hit the older boy over and over again before storming off, arms crossed.

She slid off the window seat, running to the door. "Ma, can I go out for a bit?"

"Sure, Wendy. Just make sure to come home in time for supper."

"Okay!" She grabbed her coat, sliding it on and threw the door open, looking back in and checking the clock as soon as she stepped outside. Four-twenty; she had plenty of time. Letting it close on its own behind her, she hopped down the steps two at a time and headed the way the boy went.

To the forest.

The exact same one her mom told her to stay away from. 

 After ten more minutes of trekking through the forest, she found what she was looking for- the little boy with the green coat. He was crouched down in the clearing, cradling something that looked like a butterfly. She hid in the brush, waiting for him to pull its wings off or step on it- just like her brothers did.

Instead he surprised her; he laid it gently on some moss and grabbed some twigs and sticks, building a little house for it.

Wendy smiled, taking another step towards him. He wasn't like any of the other boys she knew; he was kind, caring- just like her.


The boy jumped, knocking over the house and stared at her. He blinked, mouth open wide and shook his head. "It's not what-"

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