2. Blue: Quendilindale by ruscenedhir

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Whatpad Name: ruscenedhir

Tittle: Quendilindale

Genera(s): Romance, Fanfiction

Personal Message to the audience:

I'm so stoked to be shortlisted for this contest! This is literally the only non-academic writing i've done in years, and the first time writing any fantasy. it's been a fun journey that I hope will continue.



An elf awakens on the shores of Cuiviénen and discovers she is not alone. Thrust into a tribe and discovering her mate too early, she struggles to find herself as her people unite in their struggles against Morgoth. When Oromë comes, will they follow?


Middle Earth belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien, as do most all of the named characters aside from Tindómiel and Lómion. I just love the world and want to fill in some narrative gaps in the First Age. This story has mild use of Quenya, which is mostly translated at the end of each part.


At first there was a whisper, a dull rush of sound where there had once been nothing. It went on and on, never ceasing. The sound almost lulling her back into unconsciousness. Then suddenly, pinpricks of white against a sable field. It was as if everything were being created at that moment, being drawn before her eyes as she opened them, sharp and clear.

The lights began to darken with many shapes, blacker than the sable field. They were moving. She knew not what they were, nor what she was, but realized they were the same kind.

She also sat up, peeling her eyes away from the lights. Through the mass of other bodies, gaping and blinking in disbelief, she spied the source of the noise -- a thin line of black swirling with the lights above. Focusing on that dull roar, she could sense something underneath it, a sweet melody playing under everything within her sight. Unknowingly she raised her voice in song to join the refrain.

So did all the others. Each singing their own notes, blending together to a beautiful song: the song of the Quendi.

>>>Click the external link on the right hand side to take you to the full story<<<


Panel Comments: 

Beckyking87: “This book was fantastical; it reminded me of reading one of Tolkien's works :-) Absolutely brilliant.”

ThirteenthChild: “BTW, I absolutely love J.R.R Tolkien's books. :D The parts are a bit short, but I really love how the author describes everything, and provides terms for the reader. The idea is really cool :D”

viogirl9: “I simply loved the beginning. The descriptions were beautiful and the way the author portrayed the setting was excellent and visionary.”

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