3. Purple: Elements by ElleGouldingFreak

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Whatpad Name: ElleGouldingFreak

Tittle: Elements 

Genera(s): Teen Fiction, Action


Personal Message to the audience:

I just want to say thank you all so much for reading Elements! It means so much to me! I never thought it would come this far! It just makes me so happy how far it has come! When I saw my book's title on the shortlist a huge smile came across my face! So if you would want me to continue, please click that star button! :)



Teenagers from all over world have been blessed with special gifts to control Elements by the Greek God Aether. In total there is only supposed to be eleven, but there is another that none of them know about. But this girl can posses every single element. Because of this she has become power hungry and very dangerous. The only people who can stop her are the eleven.


Chapter 1: 

Seraphina wakes up to her yelling grandmother. The teenage girl gets up and out of her bed; while doing so, she almost trips on her mattress. Causing her mattress to knock down her glass of water from the previous night. Seraphina grabs her red blanket and walks down stairs; exiting her cone shaped room.

Her grandmother sits in her rocking chair, in the green living room, shouting at the dog. Seraphina walks up to the dog and points. It obeys her and exits into the kitchen. Hurricane is what they call the dog. It's technically not theirs; they found while shopping in the market.

"Sera, how are you so good with that mutt?" Her grandmother asks.

Sera shrugs and fiddles with the ends of her fire red hair. "Probably because I am nice to him."

"Oh hush child! Now go feed the mutt, or I will have to take him back into Athens," Her grandmother spits. Seraphina yawns and goes into the kitchen.

Hurricane jumps up and whines a little when Sera grabs the bag of food. Since the bag is very hard for her to lift, Sera ends up dumping the food all over the wooden kitchen floor. Frustration courses through her veins. She feels her skin begin to sweat. 

"Yiayia!" Sera shouts. "Turn on the air conditioner, I am starting to sweat."

Her grandmother walks into the kitchen and gives Seraphina a death glare, "I told you to stop calling me that."

"Well, you are a Yiayia right?" Seraphina says with a chuckle.

"Yes, I am one, but I told you to either call me Grandma or Voleta."

"Nah, I am going to keep calling you Yiayia," Sera says with attitude.

Voleta walks out of the kitchen speaking in Greek as she exits. Seraphina walks over towards the kitchen table and sits in one of the padded seats. Hurricane rushes over towards her and begs to be petted. Sera looks over at his food dish and notices that he didn't even take a bite of food.

Sera brings her hand down to his golden brown fur and begins to pet him. The scent of burning hair becomes present in the kitchen. Then Hurricane yelps in pain. His fur has been singed off, revealing the damaged skin beneath. His skin has turned into an ugly red color; tiny blisters forming on the skin.

The teenage girl stares at the dog in astonishment. Hurricane backs up into the corner and begins licking the burn. She looks at the burn mark closely and she notices that it is in the shape of a hand. Sera looks at her hand, and sure enough there is a clump of burned fur covering the palm of her small hand.

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