2. Gold: Across the Lake by baquers:

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Whatpad Name: baquers

Tittle: Across the Lake

Genera(s): Horror


Personal Message to the audience:

Thank you sooooo so much for selecting Across The Lake to make the short list. Whether or not I win, making it this point is plenty for me. I hope you enjoy my story I've got written so far. I've put a lot of time into the plot and characters trying to make them both as strong as possible. Good luck to all that have been selected to advance... SINCERLY BAQUERS


Tucked away inside the Great Lake of Erie, lays the small wooded island of BoxWood. Town residents are as peacefully and simple as country folk come, living their lives one day at a time. Not to say that's going to last forever.

On a family road trip from the city to Boxwood, to visit his uncle that he hasn't seen in over twenty years, Doug and his family of four are greeted by an array of friendly towns people, in spite of his wife and children's anal attitudes for the trip.

The friendliness didn't last long at all, when the towns people suddenly turn from peaceful to malicious, with the flick of a switch, becoming brutally violent and ill-tempered. ACROSS THE LAKE promises to be a beautifully horrific thrill ride. Please keep all hands and other body parts inside the ride at all times HAHAHAHAHA !!!!!


Chapter 1: 


After exercising his dinner bones, just as every other day concluded, Charlie Dale wheeled his chair to the front porch of his home. With a full case of Black Label and a mouth full of chew, Old Charlie Dale found a sort of peace in watching the long of the day turn to dusk.

On a young spring day, after a mid-noon rain shower, the sun set behind the woods in such a way that it looked as if the trees lit ablaze. The Devil's own lollipops; least that's how Charlie Dale told it to be. And if you've got enough cans of beer in him, he might even tell you the one about the time he saw the Devil himself, horns and tail, dancing a jig clear across the fiery patch of land.

Yeah, Old Charlie Dale had more stories then the Sears Tower, and they all were about as true as a fib. To all the local hats around town, he was known as Fairy Tale Dale. But since he lost both his legs rolling that pickup truck sideways, two hems stitched above the knees, the mini skirt procedure. Old Charlie Dale has been drawing them up more often and pretty regularly. About as regular as a vegetarians bowel movements. Each one more ridiculous than the one before.

Whether or not it's the constant drinking of alcohol that brings about the tall tales, or it's just his dealings with the depression of never walking again. It seemed like he had a new one every single day, eight times a week. There was the story where he claimed to have seen a great deal of stars align themselves in the sky to form a distress signal that read 'HELP ME.' Or the time his pain pills allowed him to see a tiny glimpse into the future. A battered world where he saw the transfer of human beings to a newly unpolluted planet.

And you can't forget the one where his clock radio was picking up frequent transmissions sent from outer space. Alien-like gibberish that Charlie just so happened to know how to translate. The aliens were broadcasting the recipe to cure cancer. One cup of equal parts honey and bleach; then drink. When asked why honey, Charlie Dale said without hesitation, "To help the bleach go down."

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