Chapter 37:)

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"Lets seize the day, lets run away

don't let the colour's fade to grey.

We'll never be as young as we are now,

young as we are now..."

-Never Be 5SOS


It didn't take long to get home from the airport, considering it was late and night and all the work and holiday traffic had disappeared. We dropped Bailey off at her place first before continuing on to mine.

By the time the car engine had rumbled to a stop and I'd dragged my huge suitcase over the threshold of our house the clock hanging on the kitchen wall read 11:45. I could feel the jet-lag weigh down my eyes and brain as I pulled my exhausted body up the stairs to my room. I threw my door open and threw my suitcase over my bed and into beanbags that lay in the corner. I then took the time to carefully unzip my electric and acoustic guitar and set them gently in their stands near the edge of my desk.

I grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of boxers, stumbling towards the shower. At this point my eyelids felt like lead and as the hot water rolled over my body I could begin to feel my head lolling forward and eyes drooping.



Luke dropped me off, walking me to the door and kissing my forehead lightly, he just avoided my dad as he opened the door literally the second Luke stepped out of our embrace. Thank god, my mum was standing expectantly behind him and my little sister behind her. Had they been spying on me or something? Like seriously?

"Hi Sarah, Mark, Ellie." Luke smiled in their direction, shaking my dads hand. Isn't he the charmer.

"Is Liz still ok for us to come over for Christmas Lunch tomorrow?" Mum asked, leaning on the door frame, waving to Liz in the car.

"Absolutely fine!!" Luke grinned as he began shuffling his feet on the pavement. I could tell he was becoming uncomfortable.

"See you tomorrow Lucas." I piped up, pushing mum lightly inside the house until she was well behind me.

"Sorry." I mouthed.

Luke just chuckled and shook his blonde head, his hair looked more golden due to the porch light shining onto it.

"That's alright princess." He whispered before biting his lip.

"Stop it." I hissed as he turned to walk away down the driveway.

"Doing what?" He asked, the smirk on his face told me he already new.

"Being cute." I replied, false annoyance ozzing into my tone.

He didn't reply and just walked down the drive, throwing both his arms in the air as if in celebration.

He's such an idiot.

It was late, very late. I was surprised my sister was still awake, then again it was Christmas Eve.

I walked into the kitchen, pouring myself a milk and grabbing a shortbread out of the pantry.

Mum then walked into the room, wrapped in a blue dressing gown that I reckon was older then me.....

"So did you score a kiss under the mistletoe?" She whispered, eyes looking excited.

I choked on my milk, my eyes began to water as I began snorting milk out of my nose. I know attractive right........

I then had a coughing fit and mum began laughing her head off. I did my best to shoot her a glare through the coughs that continued to escape my mouth.

A Different Summer (A 5SOS, Luke Hemmings Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now