Chapter 2: Not a Secret Anymore

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The principal watched as Baldi left the room. He blushed lightly. Does he like me...? Do I like him? He thought to himself. The way he stared at was...cute....?

As he thought more about this, his face began to heat up. The principal liked that teacher. Even to the point where he liked him as more than just a friend. And after all this time, the math teacher could've possibly liked him back...

"I need to get to work." He said under his breath, before leaving the meeting room with his blushed face covered in his hands.


The bald math teacher sat down at his desk, pulling out the day's lessons—which were tests for the most part. He looked over each page briefly, seeing as it was thorough and well done for anyone to understand. Hopefully.

But even that was hard to consider, with being so distracted at what happened in the meeting room. The principal came so close to him. Closer than he ever had before.

Suddenly, the bell rang and students began to pour into his class rapidly until every desk had a student in it. Time must've flown by pretty fast. Baldi thought.

Each student had a different expression from the next. But of course, these students were the first year students at the school, so it would be obvious why.

They all whispered something different; Baldi catching almost all of them: "I hear he beats students with a ruler." "My brother said he teaches the best math." "Why is he bald?" "I hate math." "What if the teacher gets mad at me?" And so on and so forth.

The first day of school is always the most boring and is never worth it. Baldi thought. Though I guess it must go on...

The late bell rang, signifying that it was time to introduce himself.

He sighed, standing up from his desk and walking to the front of it, leaning his weight into it. His hand traced over his ruler just behind him. All eyes went on him, some traveling to the ruler and back.

"Good morning students. And welcome to your first period: math. I am Mr. Baldi." He paused before continuing. "Here, I will teach you everything you have to know for the year from long equations, to geometry, and more.

"Most importantly, however, is that I promise I will make it the most fun it could possibly be." Some students rolled their eyes sarcastically at this statement, already denying it like every student did on the first day. "But first we need to introduce each other. Let's start at the front."

The student closest to his desk stood up  pretty fast in response. They introduced themselves, said a few things, and then went on to sit down. This process went on in an orderly fashion and eventually came to the back row of students. A girl stood up.


Baldi studied her while she talked. She was the principal's daughter. The only difference in their relationship was that the principal had adopted her. He remembered the principal telling him about how the family was in a severe car crash and that the biological parents died in the crash, leaving only her to survive and lose most of her sight in the process.

That last row of students finished.

"Alright! With that settled, we can begin your beginning of year test! Just hand it back to me when you're done!" Baldi exclaimed, grabbing a stack of tests to the right of his desk. Students groaned at this.

Princibaldi {BBIEAL fanfic} [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now