Chapter 9: Attempting escape

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"Wake up honey." He felt warm. What time was it? Had he slept in late? "Come on. It's time to wake up."

Baldi opened his eyes. It was morning. He was in bed. Next to him was the principal. He smiled at the sight of him.

"It was all a bad dream?"Baldi said. He scooted closer to the principal, reaching out to touch his face.

"What do you mean silly?" He asked, smiling and leaning away from Baldi's hand. "You're dreaming right now. Wake up."

"Wait what?" Baldi felt confused. This wasn't a dream. Surely it wasn't.

"I said, WAKE UP!"

Baldi jerked awake, feeling the world shape around him.

The room he was in was dark. He could barely see anything. He felt something around his mouth and strapped to his head. Air seemed to blow from it, forcing its way into his lungs as he breathed.

It suddenly occurred to him. He was breathing. He should've been dead...right? He felt panicked, trying to feel for a heartbeat, confirming he had one moments later. But he knew it happened. I had to have happened.

Baldi's eyes adjusted to his surroundings, seeing as it was a small room with concrete walls all around and a bar door farthest from where he was.

He tried to move his hands, but they were tied behind him. At least his legs were free.

Whatever was around his mouth was bugging him. It was almost like he was awake, yet drowsy and calm. It must've been a gas mask. It would only make the most sense.

The bald man looked around some more. Maybe there was something he wasn't understanding. He couldn't be alive. No. That shouldn't be a thing. He would have to feel something before he could conclude he was alive.

After looking for a while, Baldi spotted something that looked sharp close by. Sadly, his hands were tied to the wall behind him, but he could at least try to reach it with his feet. He scooted his body as best as he could over to the object, placing the closest foot onto it. Then, with a quick swipe across the object, it cut a fresh wound on his foot.

Baldi stifled back a cry, trying not to cause attention to whatever could be near him. It hurt like hell but at least he could confirm that the pain was real and that he was indeed alive.

Filled with a quick flash of relief, he retreated his foot back. Blood trailed from the sharp object to his foot. That was a bad sign. Especially with the next thought that popped into Baldi's mind.

He needed to escape.

The bald individual tugged at the bondage keeping his wrists close together. It felt like rope. Maybe if he worked at it, it could come loose. It was a gamble but he'd at least try.

He tried to contort his arms in one direction and then the other, but fighting against the overpowering gas was hard. It made him feel tired almost instantly. He had to get rid of it.

Baldi looked for where the gas line went, seeing that it trailed to the the right of him where a large air tank sat against the wall. Probably the source of his drowsiness. The cord was a little tight. Maybe pulling at it would work.

He shifted his head so that the line went tighter, and saw the tank wobble a little. He tried again. It wobbled more. This time he yanked his head back, and the line popped free, letting go of the tank.

Baldi instantly felt better. Now he could work at the ropes. Within some time they went loose and he was free. Only, the gas mask was stuck tight and it was hard to breath through it. With his hands now free, he tugged at the rest of the gas cord and it popped free. The mask may have still been on his face, but at least he could breath. Thank god...

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