Chapter 8: "I miss him..."

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//For those who skipped the last part of the previous part, Baldi was kidnapped and Kennith saw it happen before he could react. Then the kidnappers, File and the Janitor, end up killing Baldi after brutally torturing him. Haha ok thanks I guess. You can read this part now...//

It was a good few hours after the incident at the middle school. The sun had set, casting a dim glow across the sky. The principal's house was dark. All accept for the TV which actively switched from commercials to the news.

"Dad, are you okay?" Playtime asked. The principal sat on the couch in their living room, silently watching the TV for the news cast to put up another amber alert. Black tears stained his cheeks, his smile completely faded.

He looked at his daughter with tired eyes, seeing her worried expression. "I..." He couldn't just say no. She was still a child for gods sake and he didn't want to have to tell her everything. "I'll be fine sweetie. It's getting late. How about you get to bed okay?"

"Okay." She said, not daring to test her father's emotions, and left.

After a few commercial's the news came on finally, but it wasn't an amber alert this time.

"We bring you here tonight with news on the middle school incident that happened hours ago." The news lady said. "This devastating event shocks our state with such breaking news.

"Reports say that two men came in and bribed a student into luring a teacher out of his classroom. It seemed to two men were going to capture that teacher for reasons we are still investigating. The student officer used was injured but not killed in the act."

It suddenly cut to a woman, the mom of the student officer who was hurt. It looked to be only an hour after it occurred. Her eyes were red and puffy. "My child didn't deserve this. No one does." She began to break down and then it cut back to shots of the school.

"According to the principal, he said things were alright and he had no knowledge of this happening before it was too late." The principal's heart beat skipped a beat at the sight of his face showing up on his TV. It felt like it hadn't happened, but it was right there.

"I...I really wish I could have done something. That this school could've been protected better. I could have saved that student and-..." The foreign man on the screen breathed shakily. "I could have saved that teacher."

"The kidnapped math teacher, Mr. Baldi as he's called, could still be out there." It showed a picture of Baldi briefly before cutting to shots of the school again. "Several amber alerts have gone throughout the day today in several towns in hopes that someone has seen where the two men went with this teacher. If you have any information please contact us immediately. Until next time." With this, the news channel continued on about another story involving a car crash.

The principal shut off the TV, feeling more pained than ever. Why had he been so naive? Allowing that damn science teacher in. That traitor of a not so dead brother.

"I'll see you later, Kennith." The words played themselves through his mind, stabbing at his insides with overpowering emotions. He felt stupid for not doing something to stop it. Especially because his boyfriend could possibly be dead now. He fought back tears at that thought.

The principal sat in silence in the dark living room for a while, not doing or saying anything. After a long time, he finally got up out of the couch, seeing as that it was getting late.

Kennith could barely sleep at all that night.

A week passed. The school had been closed down temporarily for investigations and to clean up messes. The principal hadn't felt much better. Knowing that Baldi was missing worried him. Their relationship was going so well. Why now did things have to go downhill?

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