Chapter 5: The Wrong Kind of Date

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//Warning, reference to sexual content(?) later in this chapter. Not sure if it's an extreme warning because there's really not that much detail so...continue??//

A little over a month had passed and everything was almost normal. The science teacher had suddenly disappeared and the principal had to continuously have a substitute for the students there. The janitor was constantly avoiding people and took a lot of days off at a time. It was concerning. Hopefully nothing bad was going on.

It was near the end of October. The school was setting up for a Halloween dance where everyone could dress up and party. But that would only start when Halloween came of course.

Baldi, as usual, packed up his things after finishing the students' homework with still no teacher assistant to help. He didn't mind. The children were enjoying his class like they'd always had and almost all of them were passing.

He didn't care if they got a few questions wrong because everyone's human and we all make mistakes. Of course, he had gotten mad at those who didn't care and purposely got problems wrong. Still, he had only brought out his ruler a few times which was a record. It usually came out every other day on those ones.

Baldi closed the door to his classroom and bumped into the principal.

"Oh, h-hey babe." Baldi said, turning around sharing a small kiss with him. "How was your day?" The principal blushed lightly before responding.

"I-its was good. I had a question..." The principal said.


"Do you wanna...go on a date with me? This Friday night at 5:00?" The principal asked, blushing. The bald teacher smiled excitedly.

"Yes of course I do!" Baldi exclaimed, and hugged the principal. "I mean...yeah." He said, letting go realizing how overexcited that looked. The principal quietly laughed.

"You're so cute. I love you." He said. "Friday then?"

"Yeah that would be great. Where do we meet?" Baldi asked.

"I could pick you up at your place...." The principal suggested, at which Baldi nodded. "Mind telling me where?"

"Oh! Sure here." Quickly, the math teacher pulled out a blank paper and pen from his bag and began to write the street, then his apartment's letter, and then the number. "Call me if this isn't enough."

"Alright." With that, Baldi and the principal parted with that date in their minds.

Baldi could hardly wait by the time Friday came around. He hadn't had a date with someone in years and this one felt special. His last date was with a woman that ended up cheating on him a few years back all because he didn't have hair.

The bald man put on something a little more formal and reapplied his lipstick. After doing this, he grabbed his bag and left the apartment; making sure to lock the door as usual.

The principal was already there by the time he was out. It was a relief that he was able to find the apartment. After taking a flight of stairs, he made it to the principal's car.

"So this is where you live?" The principal asked as Baldi got into the car.

"I know, it's not much but—"

"I don't care what it looks like. I'm just glad you're living somewhere decent besides an abandoned house." The principal joked. Both shared a small laugh. "So I wanted to take you out for sushi. Does that sound ok?"

"Sushi sounds great." Baldi said, at which the principal started his car and headed for the designated destination.

Once they arrived, they were given a seat immediately and began to order. Baldi ordered one roll and a bowl of miso soup. The principal ordered two rolls and a bottle of Sake to share.

Princibaldi {BBIEAL fanfic} [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now