Chapter 13: Piece by piece, it comes together.

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"Are you sure you want to work today?" The principal asked, putting on his shoes. Baldi nodded, adjusting his favorite green sweater so it was more comfortable.

"I want to." He replied. But the principal sighed in return.

"I just don't know if that's okay or not." The principal said, his face conveying a look of concern. The bald teacher reflected the principal's emotions for a brief moment before insisting on such an idea.

"I really do want to go, Kennith." Baldi insisted. "I haven't been back at the school in forever. It'd be nice if I came back."

The principal sighed, giving into the facts. It was true that his now fiancé hadn't been to the middle school in a while. "I suppose you should go..."

"Perfect! Let's get moving!" The teacher exclaimed, clapping his hands and moving out the door to the garage. The principal chuckled softly before following the math teacher to the car. They both got into the car, heading to the designated location.

The drive was pretty short as Baldi had come to realize. It was only a couple minutes away. "I haven't been here in forever..." The bald teacher whispered, looking at the middle school as if it were the first time he'd been there.

"Nothing's changed much..." The principal muttered, though Baldi caught every word.

"Well, I was gone for one. That was a change, wasn't it?" He asked. The principal hummed and nodded.

"Let's go. We really shouldn't keep the school waiting." The principal said, looking at the clock and realizing that they were already a few minutes late.

Baldi nodded before getting out of the car, the principal getting out moments after. They held hands as they walked to the front doors of the large building, a feeling of true hope that the world beyond those doors held something better for them; a new adventure. They both went inside. The teacher stopped in his tracks, letting go of the principal's hand.

"This is wh-where we part..." The teacher shakily stammered. His eyes were wide, his hands beginning to tremble.

"Hey, it's okay!" The principal reassured, coming to Baldi's side to comfort him. "If you need me, just call for me with the school phone, ok? How does that sound?"

Baldi replied in a whispery voice, "Ok..." Before calming down. He gave the principal a quick kiss and left down the hall. He didn't know why he was terrified by leaving the principal, but he couldn't stay where he was any longer. It was too much for him to handle having to briefly say goodbye to the one he loved.

After parting ways, Baldi made his way to the classroom he knew was his, preoccupying his brain with what the kids there would say at his sudden arrival. But it still nagged him that he had to leave the principal for a few hours. Scary, even.

The teacher glanced into other classrooms' windows, watching the passing faces of children or teachers. He even saw some students take a double take, recognizing the bald man. But Baldi could hardly pay attention since his mind was so focused on the upcoming destination.

He came up to the door. It was closed. The windows were covered in posters of math reminders he'd remembered were from months ago. He could hear someone talking on the other side. An adult, presumably a substitute while he was away. But here he was now, ready to greet the children.

Hesitantly, he knocked on the door, a cold silence drifting over his shoulders. He heard the substitute speak. Then footsteps. The door handle turned, and out came an adult female of a younger age. Baldi blinked, looking at the woman. She looked tired, not seeming to enjoy the students she worked with. But she seemed both surprised and relieved to have seen him.

Princibaldi {BBIEAL fanfic} [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now