Chapter 11: To get married

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After a few more check ups and signing a few more papers, the principal and Baldi were both exiting the hospital. The teacher was in a wheelchair with a small air tank in his arms and the required tubes in his nose; something that would suffice for a week.

Doctors watched as the two passed, whispering about how he was the kidnapped teacher and how he survived. The principal pushed the wheelchair forward towards the entrance, a doctor following close behind to bring his paperwork to the front desk.

Baldi heard ruckus outside. One that he knew wasn't good. "Kennith, there's people outside. They're talking about us." He said nervously. The principal sighed. Of course people would crowd to find out.

They both saw crowds of news reporters, investigators, and local people through the windows of the front doors. Workers used their bodies as barricades to stop the hoards from going in.

"Here. I'll have you take a back way out." One of the nurses said, tapping the principal on the shoulder.

"Thank you." The principal said, and followed them to an exit on the backside of the building. They exited and the nurse stepped out with them.

"Will he be okay to walk?" They asked, pointing at Baldi who looked better.

"I'll be fine." The teacher said before the principal, stepping out of the chair with the air tank and standing with ease. "Thank you for everything."

"Of course." With that, the nurse left with the wheelchair in hand.

"Will you be okay walking to my car?" The principal asked Baldi, making sure he was actually telling the truth.

"I'll be fine, Kennith. I'm just a little unsteady is all." He replied, holding the principal's hand and they ventured toward the front of the building.

News vehicles lined the front, having parked in the way of visitors and patients. There were even people crowding outside and ended up seeing the two sneaking out. They cried, "Over there! That's the one!"

The principal and Baldi both began to run as people tried their best to run to their location, taking pictures and calling to the two men. Thankfully the couple made it to the car in time and drove out of the parking lot quickly.

"Thank god." The principal sighed, going onto the road. "Are you okay?" Baldi huffed and puffed for a minute before answering.

"Y-yeah. I'll be okay." He said shakily, holding at his lungs as if to take in more oxygen that way. He then adjusted the nasal cannula to fit better up his nose. "I want to go home."

"I suppose you don't have your keys to your apartment?" The principal then asked, at which Baldi shook his head, laughing a little.

"No. They were in my bag at the school with all my other stuff." Baldi replied, taking a deep breath of air right after. The principal nodded in return. Maybe it would be better if he just took him to his house in the meantime.

"Maybe it'd be better if I took you to my house for today." Kennith suggested. Baldi nodded at this.

"I guess that'd be better for now."

With that, the principal turned his car to head to his house. The drive was crowded with cars bustling about the busy streets of Baltimore, so it took a while for them to get there. With all this silence, the principal couldn't help but think back to that box with the ring in it. He wasn't sure of he should propose or not.

They came up to their destination after some time. Baldi finally got to see the Principal's house clearly. The last time he had been here was back when they had their first date.

Princibaldi {BBIEAL fanfic} [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now