Chapter 6: Forgiving the Heartbroken

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"Why aren't you getting this question right? It's the simplest problem ever!" Baldi smacked his ruler against his hand, feeling angered. He felt overemotional and almost anything could tick him off.

It was Monday morning the next week, and things hadn't felt much better for the teacher.

"But I can't even read the problem!" The student said. The bald teacher huffed in annoyance and snatched the paper from the student's hand.

"Look. The problem says this: 2 + 2 (5 x 6) -7. I know you know how to solve this." Baldi said pointing at the numbers with his ruler. Other students began to furiously write this down as they too couldn't seem to see the problem. "You are in seventh grade, aren't you?"

The student nodded shakily. This was his eighth period class where most of the students were seventh graders.

"Then ACT LIKE IT!" At this the math teacher slammed his ruler down on the desk and it broke in two. Most students looked at the broken half Baldi gripped tightly in his hand in utter shock.

"I'm sorry!" The student cried, shaking and cowering in their seat. The math teacher felt tears spring into his eyes. He didn't mean to take it out on the student.

"Just...keep doing your work." Baldi said, covering his face in his hand. "I'll be right back. D-don't mess around while I'm gone okay?"

The students continued their work in shock as the math teacher left the classroom. He walked down the halls and into one of the janitor's closets, not caring if the janitor himself was there. He just needed someplace to hide away. He closed the door behind him and was glad to find no janitor.

The bald man leaned against the wall and slid down, realizing how much this actually hurt him. He buried his face in his knees.

Baldi realized he was still holding the broken ruler, and threw it against the wall opposite of him, letting it patter on the carpet floor. He stared at the broken price of wood, feeling hot tears streak across his cheeks.

He didn't want to go back out there.


The principal sat at his desk unfocused and scared. He had wanted to talk to Baldi all day but he didn't know how to approach the man. Another wrong move might break their relationship for good.

After a minute of silence, he decided to walk the halls and make sure no one was breaking rules. Maybe that would get his mind off of things.

The halls were barren and he knew it was still class time. Maybe he'd catch some students ditching class. But to no avail. He was about to give up this small venture when he heard muffled crying coming from one of the janitor's closets.

The janitor is probably drunk again. Damnit. The principal thought. He had seriously considered firing the guy but no one was willing to take the position. He then realized something. The janitor hadn't come in today.

Hesitantly, he grabbed at the knob and opened the door to reveal Baldi huddled in the corner of the small room.

"B-Baldimore...?" The principal quietly called. The bald teacher looked up to meet eyes with his boyfriend.

"Go away." He said, burying his wet face back into his knees. The principal sighed and got on his hands and knees, crawling over to Baldi. He sat down next to the teacher, making sure to keep space between them just in case.

"Listen, I—"

"Don't. I'm sorry Kennith I just can't-...." At this, the bald teacher felt himself tear up again. "I'm just..."

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