Chapter 3: Kissed

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The week passed by quickly and through it all, Baldi didn't get to see the principal much. They were both either too busy, or unable to find each other at all.

Even more so, it felt awkward. After the two found out they liked each other, it was hard to look at one another the same. That was, until Friday hit.

As one of the fundraisers, the principal had decided it would be a good idea to set up a fair. This would let kids and teens alike enjoy and celebrate the first few days of school while faculty collected the necessary money.

Of course, Baldi was nervous. He'd never went to the events the school held because of work. But knowing that he could find the principal there and try to talk with him made it worth the trip.

Baldi changed into a blue sweater, some loose black jeans, and a beanie, which made him feel a little more comfortable. He then walked out  into his small abode; an apartment complex with a kitchen, sitting area, bathroom, and a balcony—besides the bedroom he just came out of. ((It should have been the closet -_-))

The bald teacher slipped on his shoes, grabbed his car keys and bag, and left his apartment; locking the door behind him.

On the drive there, he felt sweaty. Although it could have just been the sweater he wore, it felt more like a nervous sweat. This could all go to hell if I screw this up. Baldi thought.


The principal fiddled with his hands nervously between each and every time he greeted another student to the fair. He stood at the entrance like he had always done, but this time felt different.

He hadn't seen Baldi all week and this separation made him want to see the bald man at the fair. But he knew he shouldn't expect it. He hadn't before, so why would he now? The principal felt someone tug at his sleeve.

"Hey dad?" It was playtime.

"Yes what is it, sweetie?" He knelt down, making eye contact with her despite the fact that hers were unfocused.

"My friends and I wanted to eat something at the snack bar but we don't have enough money." She said, pointing in the general direction of the snack bar. "I was wondering if..." Playtime then shyly pointed to him. The principal smiled and pulled out his wallet.

"Of course. Anything for you." He pulled out a five dollar bill and two ones. That should have been more than enough. Her expression lightened and she grabbed the bills in utter joy. "Now go have fun. Don't get into trouble." He ruffled the girl's hair and watched her clumsily run off to her friends.

"She's so adorable. You picked the right kid Kennith." The principal turned around to be met with Baldi.

"Oh my god! Y-you came!" Kennith exclaimed, and then hugged the math teacher. Baldi hugged him back, taking in his scent. He really was a nice guy. Smell and all.

"I couldn't miss a chance like this." Baldi said, letting go of the principal. "Do you wanna..." He pointed his finger towards the crowds in the fair.

"Absolutely." The principal replied at which they began to walk into the crowds of people.

They talked for the most part. It was mostly about students, tests, lessons, rules; ordinary things school staff would talk about. Every once and a while they'd try one of the games and maybe even win some small prizes. Kids would also say hi to the two, excited to see them. Little did the teacher and principal realize that the were holding hands most of the time.

They made their way to a small sitting area where a few adults and kids sat, chatting away and not noticing the couple sit down.

"I have to admit, the fair was super fun. I kind of wish I had gone the last times too." Baldi said, adjusting himself in his seat a little to face the principal.

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