Entry 22

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"Brent!" I was interrupted with my thoughts when I heard your voice "hello? are you with me?" you said. I looked at you and shook my head as if clearing my thoughts "I-I'm sorry what was it your saying?" you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms on your chest "nothing, forget it" I can clearly sense the disappointment on your voice I sighed.

It was 10 in the morning when I called you to have a coffee with me just a few blocks from where your office is. "So why are we here again?" you asked me, I can't look you in the eyes and I don't know how to say it "c'mon Brent, speak!" I took a deep breathe and tried my best to look at you "I'm broke" that's all I can say. It took you a few seconds before you reacted and repeat what I just said "you're broke?" I was looking directly into your eyes seeing the disbelief in it. "Mr. Lawchenski are you saying that you're broke?" I rested my back on the chair and looked at you "yes I am Ms. Shimch I am broke" you blinked your eyes and run your hair on your long silky hair "well that was interesting". After that talk, it just took me almost a month to regain my resources from the money you lend me that day.

"Hello?" I heard your voice from the other line, I smiled and said "are you free?" you said yes of course and we met at the same coffee shop where I told you I'm broke. "Well? How you've been Mr. Lawchenski?" I laughed a little bit by your formality, "what's with the calling by my family name?" you just shrug and took a sip on your coffee. I took the cheque and hand it to you, you looked at it as if you don't even know what it is "I borrowed it Stacey, so I'm gonna pay it back and here it is" you looked at me as you rest your back on the chair and crosses your arm on your chest you didn't say anything. After a long silence you speak "I'm your friend Brent, and as a friend I will be here to help you as long as I can" I sighed and insisted "just take it Stacey please" you stared at my eyes, sighed as well and took the cheque from my hands and then we enjoyed our coffee together.

Few months passed by and I was on my way out of my office when I received your call "yes hello?" I said when I answered "B-Brent..." I got worried when I heard your voice not the usual Stacey that greets me. "Hello Stacey is something wrong?" there was silence, I decided to go down to the basement parking lot to get my car "Stacey c'mon talk to me?" I said again when you didn't speak. I immediately get into my car and drove out of my building heading straight to your place. It took me 20 minutes before I arrived at your place, "Stacey!!!" I knocked on your door but I hear no response from inside your unit. I asked the guard to open your door and he assisted me when the door flew open I run inside and there I saw you unconcious on the kitchen floor. I hurriedly carried you out of your unit not minding the people staring at us. I brought you to the hospital as fast I could I was so worried of you that time I don't know what to do.

You've been out for 2 days and I stayed with you at the hospital until you woke up "Brent?" you called my name, I smiled at you "you're finally awake Miss Sleeping Beauty" I said while laughing a bit. "How am I?" you weren't able to finish your question when you saw the serious look on my face, "you scared the shit out of me Stacey" and then you frowned "I told you to eat yet you don't listen. The doctor said your body just shut down due to stress, over fatigue, lack of proper meal. What could have happen if I wasn't around?" I wasn't shouting but I kinda sound like I am scolding a little girl. You looked at me with that cute little eyes of yours "Brent I'm sorry for making you worried I promise I won't do it again, I'll eat on time and I won't starve myself to death, please don't be mad at me" I was defeated you're such an actress. "Fine!" I said and sighed, you smiled at me and said "glad that I have a friend like you Brent" I smiled back at you and said "the feeling is mutual Stacey".

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