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-Min's POV-
It was a bit past six as I knock on the door of our meeting place. Byung Jae opens the door and I smile. "This is Kiff's studio. I kinda kicked them out a few hours ago so that we could focus more." He says.

"Gotta admit, it is a beautiful studio," I say as I look around.

"Thanks. It took us a lot of time to decorate it." He says and I nod.

"So, do you know a genre for the song?" He asks and I shrug.

"Most of my songs are just 'let me do my thing' and very upbeat. I haven't really written about myself if I take a look at all my lyrics." I say and he slowly nods.

"Describe it." He says and I frown.

"What?" I ask.

"Your life. Describe it." He says and he grabs a pen and paper to write it down.

"In whole sentences or just a few words?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter." He says and I nod.

"My life is pathetic. I am a disgrace for my family who I haven't seen in a very long time after I run away to Seoul." I say and he slowly nods as he keeps writing what I say. "I cut my wrist, but when I do I don't have a clear reason. Is that what being crazy is like? It just became a habit. It became a habit to fuck my arm up."

I noticed that he stopped writing midway. "Should I write what I just said? I was talking too fast." I say and he chuckles.

"That's not it." He mumbles. "What you said about cutting your wrist without a reason, I'm like that too." He says and he shows his arm that was wrapped around a bandana.

"I think I have an idea." I say and he slowly nods. He turn the computer on and opens the program where they make beats with.

We play around a lot with it as I describe the type of beat I want. "It sounds very good." He says and I nod.

"We have to make lyrics that are extra raw and shocking for Korea to hear." I say and he nods.

"Well, let's get started then." He says and I nod. I grab my phone and open notes so we can start with the lyrics.

"Oh, right." I go to my bag and grab two snicker bars. I give him one and he smiles.

"God, I love snickers." He says as he takes a bite.

"Me too," I say with a chuckle.

"Byung Jae, how did it go with-" We both turn around and I look at Byung Jae. His eyes are big as he quickly shakes his head at his crew member. "Min, Hi."

"Rohan, right?" I slowly ask and he nods. I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too." He says and he scratches his neck.

"Uhm, I think I have to message the members to not come yet." He says and I quickly shake my head.

"No, no need. I was about to leave anyway." I say and Byung Jae looks at me.

"You were?" He asks and I nod. I quickly grab the pen and write my email address on it.

"Mail me the beat, so that I can start with working on the lyrics." I say and Byung Jae quickly saves it.

"I'll walk you home. It's dark now." Byung Jae says and I slowly nod.

"Yeah sure." I say.

"You should bring her over when everyone of Kiff clan is here." Rohan says and I nod.

"Ask her, not me." Byung Jae mumbles and I can't help but laugh. He looks at me and frowns. "Was that funny?"

"No, it wasn't." Rohan says and I bite my lip. "So, you want to meet up with everyone of Kiff Clan soon?"

I nod. "Yeah, sure!" He smiles and nods.

"I'll send you the date. Can I have your number?" He asks.

"I'll send you her message ID later." Byung Jae says. "Let's go."

"Bye!" Byung Jae and I walk out of the studio.

"He's nice." I say and Byung Jae nods.

"He can be nice." He says and I chuckle. We walk in silence.

"I forgot to tell you, but my company says that if we want to shoot a music video and such, that they will pay for it." I say and he slowly nods.

"I was actually planning to release this on Soundcloud but this works too." He chuckles.

"It's okay if you don't want to. Shooting a music video takes a lot of time and tires you out." I say and he shakes his head.

"No, I'm really okay with it." He says. "Besides, we can earn a bit more money if we are going to release it on YouTube." I can't help it but laugh again because of him. "I wasn't joking. We can really earn more money."

"I know, it just sounded very cute." I say and I see his ears become red.

"Well, I'll see you next week then, right?" He asks and I nod. We arrive at my house.

"Take care!" I say and I watch him leave before I go in.

-Vinxen's POV-
I walk back to the hang out place and they all look up from their phone for a small moment. "Oh, you're back." Haon says and I nod.

"How did it go?" Imsoo asks and I nod.

"It went very well." I say and I sit next to Yoonho.

"What?" He asks as I keep looking at him.

"I have to use the computer, can you move?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"Only because you asked so nicely." He says and he stands up so that I can use the computer.

I quickly send her the draft through email. "You should let us listen, you know?" Jaemin says and I sigh.

"Should I?" I ask. I turn it on and adjust the volume. They all listen to it without looking up from their phone. "Yeah, that's it." I quickly stop it before it reaches the chorus part.

"It's good, I like it." Rohan says.

"We decided to make it a bit gloomy, the lyrics." I say and they nod.

"I didn't know that she liked those things. All her songs are upbeat." Minkyu says.

We all don't say anything afterward and play with our phones. "Hey, guys." They all look up.

"How do you ask a girl out?" I ask and they all looked shocked. "All these Wikihow articles are shit."

"I fucking told you so!" Rohan says. "He got jealous when I asked her number. I wasn't lying!"

"Damn, okay. Easy there." Yoonho says and he claps his hands. "First thing you have to do is to make her jealous. Act like someone asked you out to see if she gets jealous." He says.

"Okay, and?" I ask.

"You have to push and pull. Act like you're interested in her for a moment and the next act like your not. She'll automatically like you." He says.

"That's actually such a dick move." Woong says.

"Believe me, it works." Yoonho nods.

"Okay. I'll try."

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