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-Vinxen's POV-
"She's still not here?" Haon asks and I shake my head. I call her again and I get the voicemail again.

"She isn't picking up either," I say as I scratch my head.

"It's rush hour now," Imsoo says. "She's probably stuck on the highway."

I nod and smile. "She would've called me if that happened."

He sighs and we all think for a moment. "Do you have the number of her manager?" Woong asks and I slowly nod.

"I think she sent it to me," I mumble.

"Why would you have the number of her manager?" Minkyu asks and I shrug.

"Precaution," I say. I search for his number and don't hesitate to call it.

"This is Hyun Joo-"

"Hi, it's my Byung Jae-"

"I'm probably not picking up because I'm taking care of an eighteen-year-old that is helpless, anyway I'll call you back later."

I hang up and they look at me. "And?" Jaemin asks.

"Voicemail." I sigh.

"Get ready for the show!" We all look up.

"She'll turn up," Rohan says. "It's probably just the traffic jam. Don't worry."

I nod as his reassuring and smile. "Let's go."

-Min's POV-
I wake up from a nap and groan. "Are we there yet?" I ask my manager who is driving.

"I thought you died for a moment." He says and I smile.

"We're currently stuck in a traffic jam and their show just began." He says and my eyes become big.

"I gotta tell him," I say as I reach out for my phone.

"We're stuck in a tunnel. I tried calling Byung Jae but there's no signal." He says and I sigh out loud.

"How long have we been stuck already?" I ask and he looks at his watch.

"Half an hour." He says.

"How much did we move?"

"Barely. We're still stuck here for a while since this is the third longest tunnel in the world." He says and I sigh.

"Couldn't you find another route?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Sorry, but this was the only way." He apologized and I nod.

"It's not your fault," I mumble and he smiles.

"I know, I just wanted to make you feel shitty." He says and I roll my eyes.

"He's probably worried," I mumble.

"He'll survive." My manager rolls his eyes and I glare at him.

After two hours we finally see the end of the tunnel. "Even if we get out of this tunnel, the traffic jam still continues." He says and I nod.

We finally get out and all the messages and missed calls show up. "He even called me, Jesus Christ." My manager sighs.

I quickly open his messages and reply.

We were stuck in a tunnel for a while so we didn't have any signal. I don't think I can still make it.

"Should we go back or?" My manager asks as we reach a highway exit.

"Let's just keep going," I say and he groans.

"I don't get paid enough for this." He groans.

"I saw your salary. You earn more than most of the managers in the company." I say and he nods.

"Okay, maybe I do." He says and I grin.

We finally reach the venue just when their show ends. We get in through the back to avoid the people who walk out.

"I'll be waiting here." My manager says as we reach the back of the stage.

They are still playing around while the audience left. "Byung Jae!" I get on the stage and he smiles as he pulls me into a hug.

"I was so worried." He whispers and I pat his back.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it," I mumble and he smiles.

He lets me go and shakes his head. "You're okay, that's all that matters." He says.

"Why did it take so long?" Minkyu asks.

"There was a traffic jam in the tunnel so we didn't get any signal for a few hours," I say and they nod.

"Told you she's fine." Rohan laughs.

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