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I'm playing a game on my phone as Byung Jae sits next to me. I look up and smile. "Oh, I didn't hear you coming in," I say and he chuckles.

"What are you playing?" He asks as he points at my phone.

"It's some escape room game but I'm stuck at this level," I say with a loud sigh.

"Let me try it." He says and I hand him my phone.

"Did you find any clues already?" He asks as he checks the inventory. I shake my head.

"Nope, nothing," I mumble.

"Let's go on a date after I clear this level." He looks at me and smiles.

"Why so suddenly?" I ask him as I look over his shoulder while he looks for clues.

"We haven't been on one lately since we're both very busy with our albums and stuff, and this is the only free day we have." He says and I smile.

"Where do you want to go then?" I ask and he smiles.

"Have you ever been to Lotte Word Aquarium?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, never," I say and he nods.

"You're about to have the best time of your life." He laughs and I slowly nod.

"Every day with you is the best time of my leave." I kiss his cheek and his ears quickly turn red.

I let him play for a few minutes and he hands my phone back. "I cleared your level." I smile and hug him.

"Thanks, you're the best!" I exclaim and he laughs.

"Let's go." I quickly put my jacket on and we walk to the subway.

It is a quiet walk while we both look around. "It's starting to get cold." He says and I nod.

"Let me warm you up." I playfully say and I hold his hand. "Your hand is really cold."

"Yours is hot." He laughs. We enter the crowded subway.

'it's Vinxen!'

'isn't that Min?!'

'why are they holding hands?'

I'm about to let him go but he shakes his head. "I don't care, neither should you. We're a couple, let them know it." He whispers.

"Wow, for someone that doesn't like attention, you really enjoy this." I joke and he nods.

"You're my girlfriend." He grins as he pulls me in a hug. "I'm lucky to have you and they should know that."

The subway stops at our destination and we both walk out. I'm blushing crazily while he grins happily.

We arrive at the aquarium and he pays for the entrance. "You're gonna enjoy this." He smiles and we walk in.

My eyes open wide as I look at all of the fish. The blue water reflects amazingly well. I look at Byung Jae who's also looking around. "Ah, there it is!" He points at a specific fish and we walk to the glass. "Do you know what they're called?"

"Stingrays, right?" I ask and he nods.

"They're cute aren't they?" He laughs.

I take a few steps back and take a picture of him. It turns out perfect and I smile.

 It turns out perfect and I smile

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"How cute?" I mumble.

He walks to me and checks the picture. "Can you take more?!" He asks and I nod. I take a few pictures and he looks at them.

"Thanks, now I have pictures for my song cover." He says and I frown.

"You're planning on releasing a new single? I thought you were only releasing an album." I ask and he nods.

"I come here quite a lot when I'm out of inspiration. So I made a song called Aquarium. I'll release it on SoundCloud someday." He says and I slowly nod.

"Why don't you get a yearly pass if you're here so much?" I say and he nods.

"That's not a bad idea." He chuckles.

After a few hours, we return home. "Thanks, Byung Jae. I had fun today." I say and he nods.

"It's always fun with you. We should see each other more. I'm starting to miss you when I'm not around you." He says and I smile.

"We will." He kisses my check and my heart flutters.

"Bye," I mumble and he walks away.

I browse on the internet for a while until I get a notification of SoundCloud. I click on it.

Aquarium - Vinxen

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Aquarium - Vinxen

A smile spreads on my face while I listen to the song.

Goodnight, Love

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