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I sit in the car with a close friend of mine and Byung Jae. "I don't wanna go." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Stop complaining. You wanted that cast off yesterday." Byung Jae in the back seat says.

I sigh and nod. "But that still doesn't mean that I want to go." I say and Yena rolls her eyes as she stops in front of a red light.

"Thanks to me you don't have to take public transportation, so shut up." She says and I sigh.

"Pull over, I'm getting out." I angrily huff.  Yena raises her eyebrows as she looks at me. "I'm not kidding." She shrugs and pulls over. I unbuckle my seatbelt and try to open the door. "It won't open." She smiles and nods.

"That's called child lock for being so childish. Buckle up and we'll go to the hospital." Yena says. I sigh but still obey her. "That's my girl."

"She's mine." Byung Jae quietly says.

"Oh, so the rumours are true?" Yena asks and I frown.

"What rumours?" I ask her and she looks at me as if she is very disappointed.

"Do you ever check social media?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Once in a while." I shrug.

"That's why you never check the memes I send you." She whispers to herself. "Anyway, many fans have spotted you out on a date. Even grocery shopping- do you live together?"

"How late is it?" I ask completey ignoring her question.

"A bit past eleven AM." Byung Jae says and I groan.

"I hate life." I mumble as I rest my head in my palms.

"Is she okay?" Yena asks Byung Jae and he smiles.

"We're meeting her parents later today." Byung Jae says and Yena snorts.

"It's going to be a disaster. Mind if I tag along?" She jokes and I groan.

"You're not helping." I huff. We arrive at the hospital and I get out.

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Byung Jae asks and I nod.

"I'll be out in a second." I say and they nod.

I walk inside and wait for my appointment. "Your boyfriend didn't come with you?" The doctor who also put my cast on asks and I follow him to the room.

"He's waiting outside for me." I say and the doctor nods. It takes some time but he successfully takes my cast off.

"Oh thank god." I say and I softly scratch my arm.

"If you still have any trouble with your arm you just have to pass by." He says and I nod.

"Thanks, sir." I say and he sighs.

"It's what I'm getting paid for." He smiles.

I leave the room and walk back. I come across a store next to the hospital. I quickly go inside and buy cold drinks for us since it's so warm. "Where did you go?" Yena asks and I get in the back so I could sit next to Byung Jae. "Oh, so now you're also going to leave me alone? Great."

I roll my eyes and hand her the sprite. "Here." She happily accepts it.

"Did you get it?!" Byung Jae asks and I nod with a smile. I hand him his Dr. Pepper and he smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Miss me with that straight shit." Yena says and she shakes her head disappointed.

"Oh, so, now we're just going to pretend like the music videos you shot with Ovan don't exist?" I ask and she gasps.

"Touché." She says with a chuckle.

"Don't you have a performance tonight?" Byung Jae asks and she nods.

"Wanna come with me?" She asks us and we shakes our heads.

"We're still not allowed in the club." I say with a sigh.

"Ah, I forgot." She sighs.

We arrive at my house. "Thanks! I love you!" I say as I quickly hug her.

"Love you too." Byung Jae says and we both glare at him.

"Anyway," Yena says. "Good luck with your parents."

She drives away and I open the door of my house. "Should I help you with something?" Byung Jae asks and I shake my head.

"I just have to cut the vegetables." I say and he nods.

"Are you are that you don't need any help?" He asks and I nod.

"Just relax, that's all you have to do." I say and he smiles.

I quickly start with cutting all the vegetables. "Be careful with the knife, it looks sharp." Byung Jae says and I nod.

"Byung Jae?" I call his name and he answers after I don't say anything after it.


"When are we actually going to start dating?" I ask him and he slowly walks to the kitchen.


The doorbell rings and I groan. "Couldn't they wait just one minute?" I mutter under my breath.


I'm so whipped for her I swear

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I'm so whipped for her I swear

Her insta is @ dj_yena

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