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I sit at the table in my studio while I wait for Byung Jae to come. We have the date today, but he's late.

I check my phone to see if I have any messages or missed calls from him. There are none. 

I decide to call him again, only to be left with voicemail. 

I also haven't heard anything from him today and it's starting to get on my nerves.


Have you heard from Byung Jae? I can't reach him.


I can't reach him either. He also isn't returning my calls


That's weird. I spoke to him yesterday night. He sounded okay.


I'll call you when I hear something from him



I check his Instagram to check if he uploaded something on his story. To my luck, he did post something a few minutes ago. It is a video of a laptop keyboard. There is also a lot of people talking. 

I don't hesitate to call Haon. "I know where he is," I say the second he picks up.

"Really?! I can go to him if you're mad." Haon says and I smile.

"Good luck," I reply.

"Wait, you're really mad?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'll send you the address of the place where he is," I say.

"Okay, bye!" Haon quickly hangs up and I chuckle. I send Haon the location and start to work on lyric to empty my mind.

-Haon's POV-

I arrive at the location Min sent me. It is a cafe downtown. I've been here with Byung Jae before. 

I look around the place until I spot him in a corner behind his laptop. "Why didn't you answer our calls?" I ask as I sit down. Byung Jae looks up and closes his laptop.

"I'm not good today." He mumbles and I sigh. "I don't want to talk." He puts his laptop in his bag and stands up.

"Min got worried sick about you because you didn't show up for the date." That comment made him stop. 

"Tell her I'm alright." He says. I follow him outside and he stops.

"Why don't you tell her?" I ask and he sighs.

"I'm not in the mood to talk, Haon, please?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, but good luck with making it up to her," I say and he tiredly smiles before he walks away. 

I go to Min's studio and she opens the door. "Did you find him?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I did." I scratch my neck. "He wanted me to tell you that he's alright."

She scoffs as she sits behind her computer again. "He could've also called, or at least just leave a message." She says and I sit next to her. 

"I know, he could've done many things, but Byung Jae isn't very good at the moment even though he says otherwise," I say and she looks up.

"What do you mean?" She asks and I shrug.

"It's kind of hard to explain his feelings," I say and she slowly nods.

"I understand." She says.

"He'll make it up to you," I say and she smiles.

She hands me her notebook. "I was writing a new song, what do you think?" She asks.

I read the lyrics with a smile plastered on my face. "You're back with the happy vibes." I chuckle. "It's good, I like it."

"Thank you." She goes through some files in her laptop and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a frown.

"I want you to click on one of these audio files. You can choose for yourself." She says and I nod. 

"Okay," I mumble. I go through the many files as I carefully select one. 

"No, not this one." She says as she quickly turns the audio file off.

"Am I choosing a beat for your song?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah, so choose a good one." She chuckles.

I click on one and she smiles as she lets it play. "It's good." I compliment her work.

"It fits the song." She smiles and I nod.

"So, when are you going to film the music video with Byung Jae?" I ask.

"I send my company the demo of the song, so they are making a storyboard now. After they finish the storyboard they will contact his company to pick out a few dates to film." She says and I slowly nod.

"Well, I'm sure that you'll top the carts!" I cheer her on and she smiles. 

"Thanks." She shyly mumbles.

"I gotta go now, it was fun," I say and she walks me to the door. "I'll tell Byung Jae to call or message you if he's at the studio. Don't wait for it though." I say and she nods.

"I won't, thanks." She waves me off and I walk away.

Miss Fortune | Kiff VinxenWhere stories live. Discover now