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I was helping Haon with his new song when an unfamiliar number called me. I hesitated at first, but still decided to pick up. "Hello, you're speaking with Min Hee." I decided to tell my full name, in case it was someone from the past.

"Min hee, it's me. Mom." She sounded tired.

"Oh, hey mom! Why are you calling me with a Korean number  when you're in the United States?" I asked and she sighed.

"Your dad and I are back here for a while. I had to call you quickly." She said and I frowned. 

"Why? Is something wrong?" I asked concerned. Haon looked up and I shrugged.

"I- I'm so sorry." Her voice started to break. 

"Haon, wait here. I'll be right back." I whispered to him.

"Sure thing." He mumbled and he continued on the song. I walked to the bedroom and closed the door.

"Mom, what happened?" I slowly asked.

"Your grandma- she's..." A few sobs followed, making her unable to continue.

"Honey, this is me. Your father." His voice was tired too, just like my mom's.

"Dad, where is grandma?" I slowly asked.

"Come here on the train. We'll pick you up at the station." He says.

"O-okay." I slowly opened the door and Haon looked at me.

"What's going on?" He slowly asks and I frown slightly.

"I- I think my grandma died." I whispered.

"You think?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, they wouldn't tell me," I said and I searched for my wallet.

"Where do you need to go?" He asked worriedly.

"Mokpo. I'm going with the train." I said and he nodded.

"Shoud I come with you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know what's going on there. I'm not so sure if you are welcomed." I said with a sigh following.

"Call me or Byung Jae when you really need someone to be with you." He said and I nodded.

"Can you tell Byung Jae where I'm at?" I asked and he nodded.

"I will. Stay strong." He said and he left


That was two days ago. 

I'm sitting next to my grandma in the hospital when the machine continues to beep. My mom burst in tears and the doctor walks into the room with pity in his eyes. "Did you get to say your farewells?" He asks as pulls the white cloth over her.

"Yeah, we did. Thank you." My mother thanks him while she dries her tears. 

"Honey, why don't you go to grandma's house already. We'll follow you later." My father says and I mind absently nod.

Instead of walking to the house, I walked the other direction.

I called Byung Jae. "Hey, it's me," I say and he sighs out of relief.

"How are you? I couldn't reach you for two days." He says worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not going back to Seoul until next week." I sigh.

"Should I come?" He asks and I shrug.

"If you want to," I say.

"I'll be there tonight." 

"I'll be waiting," I say before I hang up.

I can't feel anything. No remorse, nothing and I hate it. The person, who traveled more than two hours to take care of me while my parents couldn't, has died, and it feels like I don't even care.

She was the only person who loved me when I grew up. She didn't deserve to die.

I keep walking around the train station until the train from Seoul comes. "Min?" I look up and I see Byung Jae.

I smile and hug him. "How are you?" He asks and I shrug.

"I'm not doing great, but I'm not doing so bad either," I say and he smiles.

"I'm here for you. I always am." He says and I nod.

"I know a nice spot where we can go before we head to the house. I'm not ready yet." I say and He nods.

"Sure, let's go." He holds my hand as we walk together through the busy streets.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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