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"So, how's it going with the lyrics?" Byung Jae and I are calling just to check how far we are with the lyrics a day before the meeting.

"It's going pretty okay. How about yours?" I ask.

"It's fine, but I have like three different drafts." He laughs.

"I guess we'll have to check them out tomorrow," I say.

"Is that Min? You're calling with Min, right?" I hear on the background. "Byung Jae you still have to give me her ID!"

"Look, I have to go. We're almost at the show hall. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Oh, okay! Tell everyone to have fun!" I say.

"I'll will, bye!" He quickly hangs up and I smile as I continue with the lyrics.

A few minutes later I receive a message.


Hey! I finally convinced Byung Jae to give your ID!


Haha, how are you? Excited for the show?


Yeah, of course! It would've been better if you were here though.


Maybe next time?


So, you heard about the new escape room next to the mall at Hapjeong station?


Yeah, of course, why?


I heard that you have to go with two teams of 2. How about we go with Byung Jae and Haon?


Sure! If they're okay with it!


Yeah, it was Byung Jae's idea to ask you with him but he found out that you need four people so he asked Haon and me too.


Byung Jae wanted to ask me?


Yeah, I told you because he is changing right now.


Great! When are we going?


If you're available, the day after tomorrow?


I'm free!


Haha, okay. We'll pick you up at 2. I have to go now. Have a great day!


Good luck with the show, bye!

-Vinxen's POV-
"Byung Jae!" I quickly walk out of the dressing room as Rohan calls me.

"What's up?" I ask and he smiles.

"I organized a double date for you and Min." He says and my eyes grow big.


"It's the day after tomorrow. We'll pick her up at 2 and we're going to that new escape room. She thinks it was your idea to go with her alone, but it is for four people so you asked Haon and me with you." He says.

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