Chapter 1

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Calling all Grey's Anatomy fans!

Here is the first chapter of my Denny Duquette story!

Please note that I am just using Denny's story line and the town of Seattle. I am not going to be using all of the cast of Grey's Anatomy. That is just too much stuff to keep up with. I will be using random doctor's names, but Denny's story line will remain the same!

Emily is mine and so is her story line!

Please tell me what you think and spread the word!


It was another rainy day in Seattle as I sat on my porch swing, cuddled up in a blanket, reading a book. The rain never seemed to let up in Seattle. If it didn't rain, it stayed cloudy and gloomy. The sound of a big truck pulling up brought me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see that it was the same truck that had been here for the past couple of days. A couple of men got out of the truck and started unloading more boxes and furniture. It had been almost a year since someone had lived in the house across the street from me.

I pressed my bookmark in the pages before shutting it and sitting it beside me. I pulled the blanket around me tighter as the men put the last few boxes in the house. I watched intently as they pulled away and a few minutes later a rusted old Ford truck pulled up.

My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. A tall, lanky man stepped out. His white shirt was clean, but his pants were washed out and dirty along with his work boots. He looked tired and a little worn out as he trudged his way towards what I assumed was his new home.

He was tall, dark, and handsome from behind. I was hoping he would turn around, so I could see his face, but he went right in the house and shut the door behind him. I sighed and got up deciding to head in the house for the evening. Grabbing my book, I walked into the house and closed the door.

Maybe I should introduce myself? Maybe I should bake him some cookies? I shook my head as I locked the door. He probably didn't want to be bothered right now. I dropped my book on the coffee table and my blanket on the couch before heading to the kitchen and making myself a cup of tea.

I headed upstairs to my room and flipped on my bedside lamp before going to sit in my chair. I looked out the window to see there was one dim light shining through the window across the way in the new house. I sat my cup of tea on my window sill and leaned forward in my chair.

I could see a shadow walk past the window on occasion. It was covered with curtains, but I assumed it was the mystery man who had just moved in. It had been a while since I had had a neighbor and the curiosity was getting the best of me. I sighed and stood up. Walking to my bed I crawled under the warm covers and turned out the light deciding sleep was the best option.


I woke up early the next morning to a light knock on the door. I trotted down the stairs still half asleep wondering who could be knocking this early in the morning. I grabbed my robe off the hook and draped it around me trying to cover up my pajamas.

I opened the door and my eyes instantly became wide as I saw it was the new guy from last night. I suddenly felt very self conscious of my pajama clad state as I pulled my robe around me and tied it shut. One hand rested on the doorknob while the other ran through my hair trying to control the unruly bedhead.

"Uh h-hi," I said with a small smile hoping that this would be quick. His smile was killer. His brown shaggy hair was damp like he had just gotten out of the shower. His hazel eyes sparkled as he smiled brightly. "I'm sorry to bother you," he said. His voice was deep and very sexy.

You're My Heaven (A Denny Duquette Love Story) [Grey's Anatomy]Where stories live. Discover now