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(don't play music yet)

j e n n i e ' s P O V

"lalisa manoban!!!" jisoo & i yelled for lisa's name since she was taking forever to get out of her room.

"unnie, waaaaitttt! i'm getting something!" lisa yells loud enough for jisoo & i to hear. i started to get very impatient with this girl! does it really take 10 hours for her to pick a dress for the after party, god..

"i've got it!!" lisa dashes out of her room with a tight black dress that had laced long sleeves in her hand. "damn girl, lemme just say, it's cute.. BUT WE GOTTA GET GOING!" jisoo yelled as she grabbed lisa's arm and ran out the door, i followed behind them.

we all got in the limo, i see papa yg coming towards our car door. i took a deep breath, knowing that he was gonna scold us.

"finally you girls are here! we're about to be late for the SMA's." he yells as we all kept silent, he slammed the car door and headed for the passenger seat.

"jeez.. what took you guys so long?" rosé asks, jisoo and i looked over at lisa who is giving the guiltiest smile ever. "wanna go ahead and explain that?" i say, sassily.

"unnie, i of course have to look good for the after party!" she says with her voice full of aegyo, i rolled my eyes at her. the car started to move so i just went on my phone scrolling on instagram.

5:40 pm
| • gocheok sky dome, seoul • |

we finally got here, as we were driving by the entrance, we saw so many fans waiting to get inside. we drove to the back of the building where there's an entrance for celebrities only. we all got out of the car and rushed in the building.

once we got in the building, we could hear so many fans screaming, yelling & chanting things. as we were going to our backstage room, we saw the manager of bighit outside of BTS-sunbaenim's backstage room. papa yg went over to him and greeted him. rosé, lisa, jisoo and i went in our backstage room to get ready for today.

"hey, papa yg is talking to your brother's manager." jisoo states as i sit down in my chair, the makeup artists start walking over to me and the other girls.

"yea, i know." i say. i miss namjoon oppa so much, we haven't even seen each other ever since they went to america. he's been so busy lately with his comeback. but i'm still going to see him at the afterparty today. we usually never have these parties after music award shows.

the makeup artist starts to cake up my face, i really hate it because i have to sit in a chair for soooo long.. plus they have to rush it since the show starts in about 80 minutes. i sighed and just looked at the other members in the mirror.

n a m j o o n ' s P O V

i got out of the changing room and heard Bang PD-nim talking to someone, i recognized the voice and it was jennie's manager. i start to hear 'as if it's your last' playing, i turned around and it was jungkook who was watching it for the 6th time. jimin turned his head over to jungkook's phone screen.

"gosh... jungkook, how many times are you gonna watch that?" yoongi says across the room, jungkook looks over at yoongi and squinted his eyes at him.

"jeez, jungkook.. you're such a fanboy. you know that Jennie's my little sister right?" i say, jungkook & jimin's head shot right at me.

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