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bangtan apartment | 4:15 pm
third person POV

"i'm fine guys.. it hurts less now." jennie assures the girls, trying to cover her bruises.

"ugh, you don't know how much i just wanna punch Irene's psycho ass." lisa says, crossing her arms. jungkook wraps his arms around lisa, "calm down.. I'm sure your manager will do something about it."

"oh I'm pretty sure he is going to do something about it." namjoon says, sounding a bit pissed. "because no one could just do something like that to my sister."

"do you want me to cook something?" jin asks me, i shook my head, "no thanks, jin oppa. thanks for offering though." i gave him a slight smile as he nodded his head.

i hear someone come down the stairs, i looked to see who it was and it was taehyung. water was dripping from his hair, he just got out of the shower I'm guessing. he walked over towards the living room where everyone was.

"jen, are you okay?" he comes over to me and sits beside me, i nod my head to assure that I'm fine.

"taehyung, i'm alright.. you don't need to worry about me." i smiled as he just observed my bruises. "you three need to tell your manager about this." taehyung looks at the other girls, they nod their heads. "of course we will, we can't just let Irene win." jisoo unnie says, i take a deep breath.

"guys.. can we please just forget about this? let's just.. do something else to forget about this, alright?" i say as all of us hear the door open to see jimin and rosé enter inside the house with bags of food.

"alright we're back with some food. jennie do you want some?" rosé asks as jimin places the food down on the table. i shake my head, rosé shrugs and takes out the box of food and starts eating it.

"i'm going to use the bathroom." i says as i get up to go to the bathroom.

as i got done using the bathroom, i headed out the door and accidentally bumped into someone falling back on the floor.. until someone grabbed my hand. i looked up and it was.. yoongi?

"h-hey.. yoongi oppa! sorry about that.. i wasn't paying attention to where i was going.." i say softly in an awkward way, scratching the back of my neck. he pulls me back up and flashes a gummy smile.

"it's fine, jen.. i was just about to use the bathroom." he says cooly, i look down and flashed a slight smile. i was still embarrassed on how i bumped into yoongi.

"we're about to watch a movie.. lalice wants you to help her make the popcorn."

i nodded my head, heading for the kitchen. "I'll be right back, c'ya there." yoongi shouts across the hallway, heading into the bathroom. i walk over towards the kitchen and there's nobody in the kitchen. "lalisa?" i yell out, no answer. i shrug my shoulders, heading over to where the popcorn bag was laying.

she's probably with jungkook.. whatever. i take a deep breath, looking at the instructions on the back of the popcorn bag. "hm.. put in the microwave for 2 m—" i gasp as i feel arms go around my waist. i looked back to see taehyung who was behind me, hugging me.


"hey jennie."

he flashes a boxy smile looking at me, i look back at him with a slight smile appearing on my lips. "you're the cutest when you smile." tae says kissing my forehead, i can feel my cheeks get hot, avoiding eye-contact with him.

"aweee is my baby getting shy.." he turns me around to face him, pinching my cheeks. "taehyung!!" i shout at him as he starts laughing. he pulls me into a hug, "i love you so muchhhh." i rest down on his head and replied back saying, "love you too, taetae."

"ugh, guys!! what's taking you so long, jennie?" a voice hollers across the kitchen, tae and i both pull away from the hug and see lisa appear in front of us. "u-uh.." i stutter, not being able to say anything.

"lalice, I'm sorry! this person right here distracted me!" i point at taehyung, who's giving off a mischievous smile. i roll my eyes at him and put the popcorn bag into the microwave, setting it for 2 minutes.

"alright.. we're about to watch the movie." lisa says slowly as she turns around, heading to the living room. as she went out, i glared at tae who seemed to be giggling. i pout my lips and hear the microwave beep.

i take out the bag and poured all of it into a big bowl. we both headed into the living room. it was really dark, the tv screen shining on everyone. "my god.. why is it dark?" i say, narrowing my eyebrows. i look at the couch and see that they turned it into one big couch-bed where everyone could sit and lay down.

"we're watching a scary movie!" jimin shouts, "ooh, scary movie? I'm in!" taehyung exclaims as he jumps on the couch right beside namjoon oppa. "here's the popcorn." i set it down in the middle of the couch, crawling right next to tae and my brother.

"are your bruises okay?" namjoon says touching them, i push his hand away, nodding my head. "of course, joonie.. i'm fine." he smiles at me, i poke his dimples.

"alright guys what should we watch?" jin asks as he browses through the scary movies. "the conjuring." jungkook says, trying to act scary. i hear a slap across the room so i turned my head to the noise. "jungkook, stop!" lalisa says burying her face into jungkook's chest.

"holy hell this movie is scary!" jisoo states out, shoving popcorn in her mouth. rosé shushes her, giving her an angry expression. "unnie, shush! don't spoil it!" jisoo rolls her eyes, shoving more popcorn into her mouth.

"pft.. y'all are pussies! this movie isn't even scary one bit." yoongi says sassily, hoseok then gives him a weird look. "you bitch, you haven't even watched this!" yoongi mocks his weird look, "whatever! any scary movie isn't even scary."

"ha! watch your ass come to my room for the whole week every night!" namjoon says laughing, everyone lets out a giggle. yoongi gets a handful of popcorn and throws it at namjoon, taehyung starts eating the popcorn that yoongi threw. "thanks yoongz!" tae shouts, yoongi rolls his eyes and lays his head back on the couch.

"alright the movie is starting!" jin says as everyone gets quiet, i rest my head on tae's shoulder.

- further into the movie..
third person POV

"JUNG HOSEOK SAVE ME!" yoongi jumps right on top of hoseok. "YOONGI GET OFF ME!"

at this point as everyone starts squirming around on the couch since so many jumpscares were appearing on the TV scream.

"i swear on gucci, i'm going to fucking die." taehyung shouts as he starts hugging jennie very tightly. "TAEHYUNG!"

hey guys! i really didn't know how to end it off on this chapter.

anyways.. hope y'all enjoy this chapter!

love you guys xoxo

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